Download Pikuma – 2D Game Physics Programming 2024-5

2D Game Physics Programming


2D Game Physics Programming is a two-dimensional game physics programming course published by Pikuma Online Academy. In this training course, you will learn all the theories and mathematics behind the physics of 2D games and create a physics engine from scratch with C++. This training course is a gentle introduction to the world of 2D game physics! You’ll learn all the beautiful math that provides the foundation for most physics engines, such as vectors, matrices, basic trigonometry, as well as calculus. In this course you will also learn about several physics topics such as velocity, acceleration, integration, mass, force, gravity, tension, friction, rigid body dynamics, collision detection, constraints, etc.

You will also put theory into practice by coding a very simple 2D physics engine from scratch using the C++ programming language. First, you will start by writing a simulation of particle physics and you will pay attention to concepts such as motion, forces, displacement. You will then continue working with solids by adding shapes to our objects such as circles, rectangles, and polygons. Finally, you will finish building your game by adding constraints to your physics engine. This training course is recommended to all people who are interested in 2D game physics programming and want to create a game with great physics for themselves.

What you will learn in the 2D Game Physics Programming course:

  • Concepts and principles of two-dimensional game physics programming
  • Building a physics engine with C++
  • Various mathematical topics
  • Physical concepts such as speed, acceleration, integration and mass
  • And …

Course details

Publisher: Pikuma
teacher: Gustavo Pezzi
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 191
Training duration: 35 hours and 8 minutes

Course headings

Prerequisites for the 2D Game Physics Programming course

All you really need is a simple code editor and a C++ compiler. We’ll use a cross-platform library called SDL to display our graphics, and since we can find a C++ compiler for virtually any operating system, you can follow along on either Windows, macOS, or Linux! Also, make sure you have pen and paper ready for the lectures. This course will probably be a little bit different than other programming courses you took before. We will take our sweet time and make sure we understand every formula we find along the way!

Course images

2D Game Physics Programming

Introduction video of 2D Game Physics Programming course

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: None

Quality: 720p

download link

Download part 1 – 2 GB

Download part 2 – 2 GB

Download part 3 – 2 GB

Download part 4 – 1.1 GB

Password file(s):


7.1 GB

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