Download Pluralsight – Rust 2021 Fundamentals 2023-9

Rust 2021 Fundamentals

Rust 2021 Fundamentals course. Rust is a powerful and growing programming language that helps you develop secure and efficient systems and applications. This course will teach you the basics of Rust so that you can write Rust code cleanly and functionally.

Learning low-level programming languages ​​is challenging because of concepts such as pointers, memory management, and system development complexities. The Rust 2021 Fundamentals course addresses this challenge by teaching you how to write simple, secure, and efficient Rust code. In this course, you will learn about Rust syntax, data types, and control flow. You’ll also learn how to solve memory management problems by using ownership and borrowing, and how to efficiently structure your Rust programs and manage concurrency. Upon completion of this course, you will have the skills and knowledge to begin building your own programs and applications using Rust.

What you will learn in this course:

  • Getting to know Rust: In this section, you will get to know the basic concepts of Rust, the benefits of using it, and its applications.
  • Installation: You’ll learn how to install Rust and Cargo, essential tools for Rust development.
  • Setting Up the Programming Environment: You’ll learn how to configure Visual Studio Code for Rust for a smooth programming experience.
  • Anatomy of a Rust Program: You will explore the structure of a Rust program, including the main components and how they interact with each other.
  • Introduction to Rust Syntax: You will learn the basic syntax of Rust, including keywords, structures, and expressions.
  • Basic Data Types: You’ll learn how to use various data types in Rust, including numbers, strings, and structures.
  • And …

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