Download Pluralsight – TypeScript 5 Fundamentals 2023-10

TypeScript 5 Fundamentals

TypeScript 5 Fundamentals course. This course will teach you all the basic features of the TypeScript programming language. You will learn how to use important language constructs and syntax, as well as how to use various compiler options and project configuration settings. TypeScript helps you create web applications that are easier to maintain and contain fewer bugs than traditional JavaScript applications. In this course, TypeScript 5 Fundamentals, you’ll learn all the main features of the language and develop the skills to get started on your first TypeScript project. First, you’ll explore the basic features of the language, including type annotations, functions, interfaces, and classes. Next, you’ll explore more advanced features such as generics, modules, and asynchronous programming techniques. Finally, you will learn to use the TypeScript compiler and configure TypeScript projects using the tsconfig.json configuration file. After completing this course, you’ll have the TypeScript skills and knowledge you need to build client-side and server-side web applications faster and with fewer errors.

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