Download Reed Barger – Build Discord with React 2021-3

Reed Barger - Build Discord with React


Build Discord with React is a training course to build a fully functional clone of the Discord program completely with the help of React. Improve your skills to a higher level with the help of this course.

What you will learn in the Build Discord with React course:

  • Send HTTP requests using React Query
  • Manage application state with the new Zustand library
  • Securing user authentication using JSON web tokens (JWT)
  • Building an effective user interface using Chakra UI
  • Upload media and image files using React Hooks
  • Get real data with websockets using axios
  • Fast server setup using Heroku and Netlify

Course details:

Publisher: Reed Barger
teacher: Reed Barger
English language
Number of courses: 49
Duration: 4 hours and 22 minutes

Build Discord with React course topics:

Tools required
VSCode Setup for React (Optional)
Grab starting code
Setup Heroku and environment variables
Overview of the project
Add AppProviders + Routes
Intro to Formik + yup validation
Add Register page + functionality
Intro to Zustand
Finish Register page
Add Login page
Create AuthRoute component
Add Auth routes
Auto logout with axios interceptor
Create Forgot Password page
Create ResetPassword page
Intro to React Query
Add Logout functionality
Update account
Crop + upload avatar
Send friend requests
Display pending friend requests
Display confirmed friends
Remove friends
Get or create a DM channel
Display user dms
Close DM conversation
Add new direct messages
Add infinite scroll for dms
Delete direct messages
Edit direct messages
Display all servers
Create new servers
Invite Modal
Join Server Modal
Create invite page
Update server settings
Invalidate invite links
Delete server
Ban and kick members
Create new channels
Create private channels
Get a server’s channels
Edit channel settings
Delete and privatize existing channels
Display member settings
Change member appearance
Display channel members
Deployment to Heroku


Sample video of the Build Discord with React course:

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: None

Quality: 1080p

download link

Download the course – 964 MB

Password file(s):


964 MB

4.3/5 – (2367 points)

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