Download The Greate Courses – Nuclear Physics Explained 9-2019

Nuclear Physics Explained

Nuclear Physics Explained Nuclear radiation is everywhere. At this moment, cosmic ray byproducts from the galaxy are raining down on you, neutrinos produced in the sun are piercing your body by the trillions, and nuclear particles from everyday sources in your rocks, air, food, and water. They bomb from everywhere. Directions. If you had an ultra-sensitive “Geiger counter” collecting all the nuclear particles, it would beep non-stop. However, despite this constant exposure, “radiation” is a term that evokes concern and even fear. There are sources of radiation to worry about, but the real vigilance lies in understanding the physics of the atomic nucleus—the endlessly fascinating structure that defines the universe in which we live. Then, of course, there are nuclear weapons, which have certainly preserved the fragile peace since the end of World War II, but also threaten civilization with unparalleled catastrophe. All these insights, benefits and risks boil down to an unimaginably small subatomic structure that was unknown a century ago. Covering the science, history, risks, applications and latest developments in the field, this course is your guide to a subject rarely presented at a level suitable for non-scientists. In these 24 half-hour lectures, Professor Lawrence Weinstein of Old Dominion University first brings you straight to the sometimes disturbing ideas of nuclear physics, then takes you to the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Center to explain the awesomeness. – Inspiring machines at the forefront of nuclear research – the machines he uses in his work. Then, the second half of the course – viewable separately but with your engagement with the key principles and methods in the first half – explores the many scientific and technological applications of nuclear physics, for example, understanding accelerators in the first half. It deepens your understanding of the core. During the second half of these lectures, Dr. Weinstein shows how nuclear physicists think, analyzing problems in a quick, uncluttered way that eschews exact numbers in favor of rounding, and pursues the math in the course for Anyone familiar with exponential symbols will find it easy. . Viewers will find Dr. Weinstein’s presentation clear, enthusiastic, and full of humor. Additionally, the course is well illustrated with diagrams, charts, and computer animations, as well as laboratory demonstrations that bring the nuclear realm to life.

Go beyond Three Mile Island: Nuclear physics, an astonishingly productive field, encompasses phenomena and applications as diverse as:

  • Particle Physics and Beyond: The giant instruments often called “atom smashers” are actually probes of nuclear and other subatomic materials that reveal not only nature’s basic components, but also how they’re put together.
  • Astrophysics and Cosmology: Nuclear physics explains not only how atoms work, but also how stars shine—and why they sometimes explode. It also gives insight into the birth and evolution of the universe.
  • Medical tools and treatments: Nuclear processes enable a wide range of medical imaging tools, such as X-rays, CT scans, PET scans, and MRIs, as well as treatments to kill cancer cells.
  • Nuclear energy: The energy released from nuclear fission provides 20% of the electricity generated in the United States and a much larger share in countries such as France and Sweden.

For many people, nuclear physics is inextricably linked to the reactor meltdowns at Three Mile Island in the United States, Chernobyl in the Soviet Union, and Fukushima in Japan. Dr. Weinstein examines these costly plant disasters that resulted in acute radiation deaths in the case of Chernobyl, but otherwise had far less impact on public health than was thought at the time. He describes the unfortunate lessons and looks to a new generation of reactors that can operate more safely, cheaply, and with less nuclear waste and the risk of nuclear proliferation. He also examines the challenge of containing an even more powerful nuclear process: fusion.

Look inside the nucleus: The key to understanding nuclear physics is knowing what goes on inside the nucleus. Here, Dr. Weinstein explains key concepts such as:

  • Protons and Neutrons: The nucleus or central nucleus of an atom consists of positively charged protons and neutral neutrons (except for hydrogen, which has a single proton), held together by a short-range but very strong nuclear force. are held Surrounding the nucleus is a cloud of negatively charged electrons.
  • Elements and Isotopes: Elements are 92 naturally occurring atoms, each with a unique number of protons. The number of neutrons may vary and these different forms of elements are called isotopes, which may be unstable. The element tin has 10 stable isotopes, uranium has none. There are over 3,000 confirmed isotopes, with more being created all the time.
  • Radioactivity: Unstable isotopes tend to decay and release energetic alpha particles (helium nuclei), beta particles (electrons or positrons), or gamma rays (high-frequency light waves). These are the primary forms of nuclear radiation.

Dr. Weinstein goes into great depth about what binds protons and neutrons together, how they are both made of different types of quarks, how the binding energy curve explains fission and fusion processes, other types of radioactive decay, and the enormous utility of a two. look into it. – The next chart of isotopes called the nuclides table, which he presents in a colorful and easy-to-read chart. How do we know all this? Dr. Weinstein answers that question with a fascinating four-lecture tour of the electron linear accelerator and research halls at the US Department of Energy’s Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Center in Newport News, Virginia, which Dr. Weinstein knows inside and out. Gives. Later in the course, he’ll take you to Hampton University’s Proton Therapy Institute to see how nuclear physics medicine is used to precisely target cancer cells.

Risks and Rewards” Precision in medical radiation is critical so that healthy cells are not damaged. This emphasizes the dangers as well as the benefits of radioactivity. Nuclear Physics Explained covers exactly which types of radiation are dangerous and which are less dangerous, including:

  • Radium: In the early 20th century, women who painted luminous numbers on clocks ingested dangerous amounts of radium by brushing their lips. Wearing a watch with a radium face poses little risk, but ingesting radium can be fatal.
  • Radon: A radioactive gas, radon is a natural decay product of uranium and thorium in the earth’s crust. It can be concentrated in mines and basements of certain geological areas, where it can be easily inhaled. Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers.
  • “Dirty” bombs: A hypothetical “dirty” bomb uses conventional explosives to disperse radioactive material. Anyone exposed should leave the area, remove potentially contaminated clothing, and shower, but the results will be more frightening than harmful.
  • Bananas: Bananas are slightly radioactive, though not dangerous, due to their potassium content, which contains a small percentage of a naturally occurring radioactive isotope. The “banana equivalent dose” is a humorous way of quantifying the radioactivity around us.

You’ll finish the course by looking at how radiation reveals hidden worlds in space and time. For example, the ratio of different isotopes can be used to date everything from human artifacts to continental collisions. Gamma-ray and neutrino telescopes map the most energetic and distant events in the universe. And cosmic rays – that ever-present rain of radiation from space – can be harnessed to analyze the structure of ancient buildings, such as the Great Pyramids. These examples and countless other applications show that nuclear physics is a versatile tool like no other.

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