This chart (TMS FNC Chart) is designed according to the needs of business, statistical, financial and scientific information.
Control TMS FNC can be used simultaneously in these frameworks:
TMS FNC control can be used simultaneously in these operating systems / browsers:
TMS FNC Controls can be used simultaneously in these IDEs:
Features and features of TMS FNC Chart
- The chart is very flexible on the mentioned platforms
- Support for VCL Win32 / Win64, FMX Win32 / Win64, macOS, iOS, Android, LCL Win32 / Win64, macOS, iOS, Android, various types of Linux including Raspbian
- Multi-series support with optional separate or combined auto range for x and y axis.
- A wide range of chart types: bar, grouped bar, absolute stacked bar, percentage stacked bar, area, stacked area, pie, donut, spider, line, digital line, OHLC, CandleStick, Boxplot,…
- Formatting values in different formats (numbers, floating numbers and datetime)
- X-axis and Y-axis with optional custom formatting for each series and support multiple positions.
- XY line and XY scatter chart types.
- Ability to set the grid background
- Series markers with bitmap and custom design.
- Ability to support formatting and optional mass mode of series labels.
- Annotation for each key point.
- Optional 3D drawing mode.
- Time design editor.
- Ability to edit the chart at runtime
- Ability to customize a large number of events.
- Anti-aliasing & native canvas support.
- Opacity support (FMX only)
Supported platforms and operating systems
- VCL Win32/Win64
- FMX Win32/Win64, macOS, iOS, Android
- LCL Win32/Win64, macOS, iOS, Android, numerous Linux variants including Raspbian
required system
for XE7, XE8, XE10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo
Installation guide
To install the program, it is enough to select the executable file according to your IDE and install it. At the end of the installation, before running the IDE, refer to the crack branch and copy the appropriate editing to the IDE in the installation location of the program.
download link
Download TMS FNC Chart Source Code
Download TMS FNC Chart_2.0.0.3 Source Code
Download TMS FNC Chart_1.5.6.7 XE7-XE10.2
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
114 / 3 MB
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