ASP.NET Core Identity – User Security Essentials is a training course on implementing authentication and user access level management with the Identity tool in applications based on the ASP.NET Core framework, published by Udemy Academy. Identity is one of the official and functional libraries of the ASP.NET Core framework that can create the authentication section and the access level of the application users based on the project’s prerequisites. In terms of security and access, 100% security cannot be guaranteed, and there is no such thing as complete security and an impenetrable application, but the Identity library enables you to provide security and flexible performance in your applications with a series of special techniques. Have at the same time. One of the ways to ensure security is to increase access restrictions, which can damage the flexibility of the application and reduce its ability to interact with the software core.
Determining the role of users, managing requests, developing customized authentication systems, etc. are among the most important topics that will be covered in this course. Authentication and user management and authorization are two very important and vital features that can be found in almost all web applications. The Identity library is completely up-to-date and modern and supports new functions such as easy and fast login with email, multi-step authentication, sending and receiving verification codes via SMS and email, etc., and has various options available. Places engineers and developers. This training course is completely project-oriented and you will also troubleshoot and debug the project while teaching and developing the project.
What you will learn in the ASP.NET Core Identity – User Security Essentials course:
- Installing and configuring the library Identity In applications based on the ASP.NET Core framework
- Implementation of two-step and multi-step authentication
- User management, user roles, access level and their requests
- Development of personalized and customized authentication systems based on project prerequisites
- Add two-step verification of email and SMS
- Add easy and fast login phablet with Facebook or Gmail account
- Storage and coding of special and important information of users
- Creating a user registration section
- Authentication and quick login to the application through the user’s browser cookies
- Determining the rules and prerequisites needed to create secure and impenetrable passwords
- Recovery and user password recovery
- Limiting user access and determining different roles and access levels for each
- Modern and new login methods
Course details
Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Trevoir Williams
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 41
Training duration: 4 hours and 50 minutes
Course topics in 2021/12
ASP.NET Core Identity – User Security Essentials course prerequisites
A Working Knowledge of ASP NET Core and SQL Development
Course images
Introduction video of ASP.NET Core Identity – User Security Essentials course
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
Subtitle: None
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
1.65 GB
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