Develop Your Electrical Circuit Solver in Python is a training course for building and developing an electrical circuit solver with the Python programming language, published by Udemy Academy. During the process of this training course, you will get acquainted with the theory and principles behind the scenes of modern simulators, and you will implement your own circuit simulator using the powerful Python programming language. This training course is recommended for all students and professors active in the field of electrical engineering who intend to develop their coding and programming skills. During the process of this training course, the connection between software engineering and programming with the popular field of electrical engineering will be revealed to you, and you will be able to resume your studies in an interdisciplinary and theoretical way.
Modified Nodal Analysis (MNA) is a powerful method for designing and simulating electric circuits. MNA analysis technique has been neglected in almost all courses and educational units of electrical engineering, while MNA is one of the most practical topics and techniques that has been used continuously in various industries and sub-branches.
What you will learn in the Develop Your Electrical Circuit Solver in Python training course:
- Construction and development of circuit solver in different time and frequency domains
- Basic principles of Python programming language and its applications in electrical engineering and designing and simulating circuits
- Graph theory and its application in circuit analysis
- Modified Nodal Analysis
- Principles and basics of version control and working with Git and Github tools
- Introduction to the NumPy library
- Working with the pandas library to quickly and easily edit data in groups and receive formatted and organized outputs
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Osama El Sanharawi
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 88
Training duration: 8 hours and 22 minutes
Course headings
Prerequisites for the Develop Your Electrical Circuit Solver in Python course
Basic knowledge of electrical circuits: modeling independent voltage sources, independent current sources and RLC in time domain and frequency domain
1st year undergraduate level is enough (to understand basic matrix operations)
No prior knowledge of Python is required
A computer with an internet connection
Course images
Introduction video of Develop Your Electrical Circuit Solver in Python course
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
English subtitle
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
4 GB
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