Download Udemy – Discover, Validate & Launch New Business Ideas with ChatGPT 2023-3

Discover, Validate & Launch New Business Ideas With Chatgpt


Want to start your own innovative business or learn how? If yes, then this Discover, Validate & Launch New Business Ideas with ChatGPT course is right for you. Here you will learn how to generate startup ideas, evaluate their potential and test them with real-life customers. We use hundreds of real examples to illustrate everything we teach to make it practical and easy. It’s all about startups, business, entrepreneurship and technology! This course makes full use of ChatGPT: you will learn the theory behind various business practices and then implement them with the help of ChatGPT. You will learn how to find, evaluate and test innovative business ideas. We will regularly use ChatGPT as a powerful utility that will help us every step of the way. So in this course you will learn how to use ChatGPT in a smart way for all business purposes! And even though this is an entrepreneurship course focused on innovative businesses, much of the content is applicable to traditional businesses that are innovative. It works for both entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs who create innovative products or services within existing companies. A lot of valuable knowledge is packed inside, so don’t hesitate anymore!

(Disclaimer: The “Business Model Canvas” tool used in some parts of this course is used under a Creative Commons license and is credited to Strategyzer. This course has no affiliation with Business Model Canvas and is provided by the authors of Business Model Canvas. and the work is not approved.)

You can see the comments of some students of the course below:

“Wonderful period.” I love how they have made this course just right and so engaging. One of the best courses I have ever taken. “

A wonderful course, and thank you for all the rich information and creative presentation. “

“One of the best courses. I have taken entrepreneurship courses on edX and Coursera too, but this one is unique and the best. Cleared my doubts. “

Very informative. Easy to understand for someone who knows nothing about entrepreneurship/startups. “

“It’s a great, fun and amazing experience to learn from these videos.” “

What you will learn in Discover, Validate & Launch New Business Ideas with ChatGPT course

  • Learn fast ChatGPT engineering with the goal of: starting a business

  • Find and brainstorm business ideas using ChatGPT

  • Design a process for testing a business idea with real customers

  • Download and copy our 100+ ChatGPT Business Requests

  • Create your entire marketing plan with ChatGPT

  • For entrepreneurs and internal entrepreneurs (corporate entrepreneurship)

This course is suitable for people who

  • entrepreneurs
  • Internal entrepreneurs (corporate innovation)
  • Anyone interested in innovative businesses
  • Anyone who wants to start their own startup

Details of Discover, Validate & Launch New Business Ideas with ChatGPT course

Course topics on 8/2023

Discover, Validate & Launch New Business Ideas with ChatGPT course prerequisites

  • Interest in startups, technology and entrepreneurship

Images of Discover, Validate & Launch New Business Ideas with ChatGPT course

Discover, Validate & Launch New Business Ideas with ChatGPT

Sample video of the course


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