English Pronunciation Masterclass is a training course on the correct pronunciation of English letters published by Yudmi Academy. This training course tries to bring your moment as close as possible to the American moment and revive the sense of self-confidence in your conversations! A good and clear accent can help you a lot in speaking and avoid misunderstandings. prevent many This training course is designed based on speech therapy methodology and uses the latest pronunciation training tools and approaches. Oral movements have a great impact in pronouncing different letters and this training course will introduce you to various oral movements. This training course is taught by a clinical and expert speech therapist. All letters will be pronounced step by step.
This course is all consonant letters and It includes vowels and works on tone, pronunciation stress, correct phrasing and making connections between different letters. Native and transparent accent can help you in communicating with other people.
What you will learn in the English Pronunciation Masterclass course:
- Correct and accurate pronunciation of different letters based on the American accent
- Vowels and silent letters
- Tone and stress
- Techniques for faster and better understanding of conversations
- Exceptions in English
- Silent letters and mixed letters
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Rebecca Bower MHSc. Speech Language Pathologist MHSc
English language
Education level: Intermediate
Number of courses: 448
Training duration: 35 hours and 26 minutes
Course headings
English Pronunciation Masterclass course prerequisites
This is an advanced course. You must have proficiency in English to benefit from this Masterclass.
This is not your ordinary “speech” course. The information in this program is designed to bring you to a high level of English pronunciation proficiency.
Course images
English Pronunciation Masterclass course introduction video
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
Subtitle: None
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
20.2 GB
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