Download Udemy – Full Stack – React Django DRF Channels Project – djChat 2023-6

Full Stack - React Django DRF Channels Project - djChat


Full Stack – React Django DRF Channels Project – djChat, a course on building a live chat application with Django and React is published by Udemy Academy. This course focuses on building a chat server management API and integrating it with a high-level framework. It also covers API integration and building chat services with features like authentication. The first module covers source control and project initiation, including creating a new Django DRF project and configuring environment variables. It also teaches how to configure Visual Studio Code for coding and formatting. The second module focuses on building a chat server management API. This program covers generating names, designing chat servers, and creating the necessary models and database tables. It also includes configuring API documentation and creating API endpoints for filtering servers and returning relevant data.

The third module introduces templating with React. It covers creating a new React project, routing, integrating UI materials and building components such as the app bar and the main component. The fourth module covers API integration using Axios. It teaches how to make API requests, configure cross-origin resource sharing, and create a CRUD hook. It also includes components for checking out popular servers and categories. The fifth module focuses on building chat services using Django Channels. This program covers installing and configuring channels, implementing web sockets, and creating chat room functionality. It also includes templating for server pages and pagination of message history.

What you will learn

  • Develop Django projects with RESTful APIs using the Django REST Framework (DRF) and efficiently manage project source control.
  • Build a robust chat server management API with features such as server filtering, channel management, and relevant data retrieval.
  • Use React, React Router and Material – UI to create a visually appealing user interface for a seamless user experience.
  • Integrate external APIs into Django projects using Axios, handle CORS, and perform CRUD operations for efficient data management.
  • Implement secure authentication mechanisms using djangorestframework – Simplejwt, including token-based login, registration, and WebSocket authentication.

Who is this course suitable for?

  • React and Django framework beginners, developers, students and enthusiasts
  • Developers, students and enthusiasts looking to review their knowledge of React, Django, DRF, Django channels.

Course Details Full Stack – React Django DRF Channels Project – djChat

  • Publisher: Udemy
  • teacher : Very Academy
  • English language
  • Education level: introductory
  • Number of courses: 91
  • Training duration: 28 hours and 16 minutes

Full Stack course chapters – React Django DRF Channels Project – djChat

Course prerequisites

  • Prior experience in using the Django framework would be advantageous
  • Knowledge of relational database principles would be advantageous
  • Having a computer would definitely be advantageous


Full Stack - React Django DRF Channels Project - djChat

Sample video

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: None

Quality: 720p

download link

Download part 1 – 3 GB

Download part 2-3 GB

Download part 3 – 3 GB

Download part 4 – 3 GB

Download part 5 – 3 GB

Download part 6 – 827 MB

File(s) password:


15.8 GB

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