Download Udemy – JavaScript: Understanding ES6 and Beyond 2022-9

JavaScript: Understanding ES6 and Beyond


JavaScript: Understanding ES6 and Beyond JavaScript language training course: modern version of ES6 and other higher versions published by Udemy Academy. ES6 or ECMAScript 2015 is one of the most important updates released for the JavaScript programming language, which was released in 2015 and completely changed the development process of websites and web applications. During the years after 2015, newer versions were also released, but none of them were as important as the ES6 version. JavaScript is one of the most important languages ​​used in web development and its detailed learning is recommended for all front-end and back-end programmers.

These new features may not seem to have brought much change in the JavaScript programming language as a whole, but they make the coding process smoother and easier. Famous web development frameworks such as React, Angular and View, etc. have largely supported and adapted to these new capabilities.

What you will learn in the course JavaScript: Understanding ES6 and Beyond:

  • Block scoping using let and const variables
  • Templates in modern JavaScript
  • classes
  • Arrow functions in JavaScript and its many advantages
  • Symbols
  • Default parameters
  • Iterators
  • And …

Course details

Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Anthony Alicea
English language
Education level: Intermediate
Number of courses: 42
Training duration: 3 hours and 3 minutes

Course headings

Prerequisites for the course JavaScript: Understanding ES6 and Beyond

A good understanding of execution contexts, closures, objects, and first-class functions.

Course images

JavaScript: Understanding ES6 and Beyond

JavaScript introduction video: Understanding ES6 and Beyond

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p


The 2022/9 version has increased the number of 9 lessons and the duration of 40 minutes compared to 2022/8.

download link

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647 MB

4.5/5 – (2403 points)

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