Laravel 8 – Build Advance Ecommerce Project AZ is a project-based training course for building an online store with the Laravel framework, published by Udemy Academy. This training course consists of more than 80 hours of video files, and during its educational process, you will participate in the development process of three completely practical and real projects. These three projects are corporate website, multiple authentication system and online store. During the development of the online store, you will not only do raw coding, but you will also perform other product development processes such as troubleshooting and optimization together with the instructor. Laravel is one of the most popular server-side development frameworks for websites and web applications. This framework is based on PHP programming language and has many competitive advantages.
Learning this framework is very simple and will take a little time. The Laravel job market is in very good condition and the demand for Laravel developers is expected to remain stable in the long term. Various application development processes such as managing errors, initial website configuration, automatic testing, routing and moving between different application pages, setting and managing scheduled and conditional programs, etc. are done very quickly in Laravel and in the time and energy of the development team. will save Laravel is an almost established and standard framework, and in this regard, there are many educational resources for it. Laravel’s development and support team is constantly improving and upgrading this framework, and version 8 is its latest official and stable version.
What you will learn in the Laravel 8 – Build Advance Ecommerce Project AZ training course:
- Building multilingual and dynamic websites
- Building an advanced order tracking system
- Building inventory management system
- Managing the role and access level of members and customers
- Development of the product return section
- Development of coupon and discount code section
- Designing and developing the rating and review section of various products
- Building an advanced product search and filter section
- Design and development of discounted products and auctions
- Connecting the website to several different payment gateways
- Design and development of sending and tracking of sent goods
- Creating a ticket section and reporting users
- Creation of the Wishlist page and the user’s favorite products
- Design and development of shopping cart and final payment section
- The basics of JavaScript programming and front-end development of websites
- Design and development of user panel and store settings
- Improving website SEO and showing it in different search engines
- Implementation of the uploading section and uploading images by the user
- Making different skins and themes for the website
- Implementation of the authentication section and management of user entry and exit
- Getting to know the features of version 8 of the Laravel framework
- Designing and creating a blog and news magazine for an online store
- Order invoice output in PDF format
- Implementation of forgetting password and changing the current password
Course details
Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Kazi Ariyan And Easy Learning
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 473
Training duration: 99 hours and 5 minutes
Course headings
Laravel 8 Course Prerequisites – Build Advance Ecommerce Project AZ
You have to know basic PHP
OOP (Basic)
Basic HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Local Server: Xampp/Wampp/Vertrigo/Mamp
Text Editor/IDE: Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, Netbeans, PHPStrom, Atom etc
Course images
Laravel 8 course introduction video – Build Advance Ecommerce Project AZ
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
English subtitle
Quality: 720p
The version of 2022/5 compared to 2021/4 has increased the number of 133 lessons and the duration of 20 hours and 39 minutes.
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
66.02 GB
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