Learn Multithreading with Modern C++ is a multi-threaded or multi-threaded programming course in C+ Plus published by Udemy Academy. During this training course, you will get to know the process of writing portable and multithreaded codes with the powerful C++ programming language. These codes increase the overall performance of your software and programs several times and are fully compatible with modern multi-core hardware and processors. Multithreaded programming is used in various fields of processing such as graphics processing, machine learning, online stores, etc. Learning topics related to multi-threaded programming is a basic and important principle for developing modern applications on new and professional hardware.
By using multi-threaded programming techniques, it is possible to take advantage of the maximum processing power of a processor and create a smooth and fast experience for the user. This training course is completely project-oriented and the source code of all projects and examples introduced will be presented to you. To start this training course, you do not need any background knowledge in the field of multi-threaded programming, but you should be familiar with the basic principles of the C++ programming language and the methods of developing different programs.
What you will learn in the Learn Multithreading with Modern C++ training course:
- Multi-threaded programming and its principles and basics in the C+ Plus programming language
- Comprehensive and common principles of multi-threaded programming among different programming languages
- Concurrency and understanding its importance and how to implement it in different programs
- Parallel algorithms of C++ language in version 17
- Familiarity with the most up-to-date changes introduced in the new versions of the C++ programming language
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: James Raynard
English language
Education level: Intermediate
Number of courses: 52
Training duration: 7 hours
Course topics on 9/2022
Prerequisites of the Learn Multithreading with Modern C++ course
Familiarity with Advanced Modern C++ features such as lambda expressions and move semantics
Access to C++11 compiler (C++14 preferred.) Parallel algorithms require C++17
Intended for students who have taken my courses “Learn Advanced Modern C++” or “Update to Modern C++”
Proficiency in English (B2 level, preferably C1)
Course images
Video introducing the Learn Multithreading with Modern C++ course
Installation guide
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English subtitle
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
1.46 GB
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