Download Udemy – Learn Programming in GO (golang): A Rich Guide for Beginners 2022-8

Learn Programming in GO (golang): A Rich Guide for Beginners


Course Learn Programming in GO (golang): A Rich Guide for Beginners. GO (golang) Programming Course: Rich Guide for Beginners. Join me on an exciting journey as we experience coding with Google’s GO (golang) programming language. Together we will learn the basic principles of programming as well as the tips and tricks of the GO programming language. This course is intended as a comprehensive resource for learning programming principles and concepts in general and Google’s GO (golang) programming language in particular – a comprehensive experience. Due to its broad scope, this course is suitable for beginners and slightly more advanced developers alike, and is packed with examples, tests, practical exercises, solutions to those practical exercises, and a small code repository – able to Access via Github. You can get a lot of value out of this course and more importantly, have a great time learning one of the best programming languages ​​ever – GO programming language, the fastest growing programming language with the highest paid programmers in the States. United will spend in the past. years. GO is an open source programming language that makes it easy to develop simple, reliable and efficient software. GO was developed by computer science giants at one of the best, if not the best, software development companies ever – Google. Designed and executed by Robert Griesmer, Rob Pike and Ken Thompson. GO is a great choice for learning a programming language because it was developed by some of the same people who created the C programming language, Unix, and UTF-8—some of the most influential contributions to computer science. With GO, Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson created a modern programming language that can easily run on multiple processors in parallel, work easily in different environments, and make writing programs easier for programmers with The syntax is very simple and easy to use. Why did Google create a new programming language?

According to Google, “GO was born out of frustration with the existing languages ​​and environments for systems programming. Programming had become very difficult and the choice of languages ​​was partly to blame. One had to choose one.

  • efficient authoring,
  • Efficient implementation, or
  • ease of programming;

All three were not available in the same original language. Programmers who could choose ease over safety and efficiency by moving to dynamically typed languages ​​like Python and JavaScript over C++ or, to some extent, Java. GO is an attempt to combine the programming ease of an interpreted, dynamically typed language with the efficiency and safety of a statically typed, compiled language. It also aims to be modern with support for grid and multi-core computing. Finally, working with GO is supposed to be fast: building a large executable on a single computer should take a few seconds at most. Achieving these goals requires addressing a number of linguistic issues: an expressive but lightweight type system; concurrency and garbage collection; Rigid dependency profile; etc. These cannot be checked well by libraries or tools. A new language was called. “Join learning one of the best programming languages ​​ever designed. You will gain knowledge, ideas, concepts, inspiration, tests and code samples to learn how to create software and applications according to your needs.

What you will learn in the course Learn Programming in GO (golang): A Rich Guide for Beginners

  • Syntax, markup, taxonomy, and special “vocabulary” used by and for GO

  • Basic programming concepts in GO, such as control structures, control flow, loops and conditional branching

  • Features and differences of GO to more conservative programming languages ​​such as C, C++ and Java

  • Management of variables, types, functions (and their signatures), parameters (variables) and passing arguments

  • Variables and types (simple and composite), cuts and pointers, structures, etc.

  • Functions, callbacks, closures

  • Concurrency and parallelization, mutex, atomic

  • Ducts (directional, two-way), fan in, fan out, term “comma OK”, context

  • Error detection, error management

  • Benchmarks, Examples and Tests (BET)

  • Base package and dependency management with GO modules

  • And much more to gain a broad insight into the GO programming language and become a respectable programmer

This course is suitable for people who

  • This programming course is suitable for first year students at the university level as well as for high school and college students.
  • It is also ideal for beginners who want to learn GO programming from scratch.
  • It is equally suitable for advanced programmers who want a thorough introduction to the GO programming language.
  • This course is also for experienced programmers who want to fill in the gaps in their programming knowledge.

Course specifications Learn Programming in GO (golang): A Rich Guide for Beginners

  • Publisher: Udemy
  • teacher: Jens Schendel
  • Training level: beginner to advanced
  • Training duration: 42 hours and 26 minutes
  • Number of courses: 300

Course topics Learn Programming in GO (golang): A Rich Guide for Beginners on 11/2023

Learn Programming in GO (golang): A Rich Guide for Beginners Learn Programming in GO (golang): A Rich Guide for Beginners

Prerequisites of the course Learn Programming in GO (golang): A Rich Guide for Beginners

  • No previous programming experience is required to participate in this course. This course starts by teaching very basic skills and guides you step by step to become a programmer for Go.
  • Knowledge from other programming languages ​​such as C, C++ and Java is helpful but not mandatory.
  • Linux knowledge, as well as familiarity with the shell (bash) and git/github for version management can also help.
  • For in-depth study of the material from supplied sources, adequate knowledge of English should be brought along.
  • Willingness to learn, do practices and a fair amount of curiosity to figure out how things work!

Images of the course Learn Programming in GO (golang): A Rich Guide for Beginners

Learn Programming in GO (golang): A Rich Guide for Beginners

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English subtitle

Quality: 720p

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