Let’s Make a Car Racing Game in Python Training course on making a car racing game using PyGame and Tkinter modules published by Yodemy Online Academy. In this course we will learn how to make car racing games with Python programming language. In game development, we must learn how objects move and update their position, how collisions between different objects are identified and detected, how different speeds of objects are distinguished from each other, and so on. In this course, all these topics are covered and finally you can make interesting car racing games with the knowledge you get.
Tkinter is a Python module used to build visually appealing applications. This course covers many aspects of Tkinter that will give you the knowledge you need to build visually appealing applications and games. PyGame is one of the most popular modules for game development in Python, making it easier to develop games with this popular programming language. In this course, all aspects of PyGame are covered so that you have the necessary knowledge to make your work easier in creating high-level games.
What you will learn in the Let’s Make a Car Racing Game in Python course:
- Making racing games in Python
- Creating different types of games in different genres
- Moving and updating the position of objects in the game environment
- Tkinter
- PyGame
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Umair Khan
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 57
Training duration: 18 hours
Course headings
Prerequisites of the Let’s Make a Car Racing Game in Python course
Basics of any programming language is required
Course images
Course introduction video
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
English subtitle
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
6.4 gigabytes
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