Download Udemy – Linear Algebra and Geometry 1 2021-8

Linear Algebra and Geometry 1


Linear Algebra and Geometry 1 is the first part of the training series of geometry and linear algebra published by Yudemi Academy. The first part of this collection is presented in the form of four separate parts called systems of linear equations, matrices and determinants, vectors and analytical geometry and will include many introductory materials.

What you will learn in Linear Algebra and Geometry 1 course:

  • Solving linear algebra and geometry problems with 175 practical and explained examples
  • Different methods and methods of problem solving
  • The device of linear equations and its solution with Gaussian elimination (Gauss-Jordan)
  • back-substitution
  • Analysis and interpretation of geometric solutions of a set of linear equations with RREF matrix analysis
  • Matrix operations such as scaling, addition and multiplication
  • How to define and implement matrix operations
  • Matrix inverse
  • Determining the invertibility of a matrix
  • Calculate the inverse of the matrix with the Jacobi method
  • Types of determinants and definition, properties and calculation methods
  • Cramer’s rule
  • Coordinates and vector base
  • Geometric vector (geometrical vectors)
  • Vector multiplication and carrier product
  • dot product
  • cross product
  • orthographic image (orthogonal projection)
  • vector decomposition
  • Analytical geometry
  • Calculate the distance between two points
  • Determining the parallelism of two lines and calculating the angle

Course details

Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Hania Uscka-Wehlou And Martin Wehlou
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 222
Training duration: 45 hours and 55 minutes

Course topics on 2/2022

Linear Algebra and Geometry course prerequisites 1

High-school maths, mainly arithmetic, some trigonometry

Course images

Linear Algebra and Geometry 1

Linear Algebra and Geometry course introduction video 1

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p

download link

Download part 1 – 5 GB

Download part 2 – 5 GB

Download part 3 – 5 GB

Download part 4-5 GB

Download part 5 – 5 GB

Download part 6 – 5 GB

Download part 7 – 4.15 GB

Password file(s):


34.15 GB

4.7/5 – (7498 points)

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