Make a 2d Platformer in Unity 2020 using Design patterns is a training course on making a 2d platformer game with the Unity 2020 game engine, published by Udemy Academy. In this training course, you will get acquainted with the development patterns of computer games and the methods of organizing game codebases and gain valuable skills. Adding new codes and introducing them to the old codebases of a game can cause the game to face problems and introduce various bugs into the system. The troubleshooting process is also very difficult and exhausting among a wide range of codes and different mechanics and can occupy the developer and designer’s time for a long time.
In order to avoid these challenges, clean and organized coding and most importantly, building re-developable and scalable codebases is very important. To solve this problem, tested development patterns and even solid programming principles can be used.
What you will learn in the Make a 2d Platformer in Unity 2020 using Design patterns course:
- Designing and building a 2D game and platformer in the 2D game engine Unity 2020
- Using different development patterns of State Pattern, Strategy pattern and Factory method pattern in the process of designing and developing computer games
- C# coding and building scalable, optimized and redevelopable codebases
- Adding a save feature to the game and saving the state and game mode at different times
- Designing and introducing different levels and degrees of difficulty for a specific game
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Sunny Valley Studio
English language
Education level: Intermediate
Number of courses: 250
Training duration: 26 hours and 11 minutes
Course topics on 1/2022
Course prerequisites
Intermediate knowledge of c# language ex how abstract classes / interfaces works
Basic knowledge of Unity 2020 ex Mecanim Animation System
Basic knowledge of Unity 2020 ex How Raycasting / Physics 2D works
Basic knowledge of Unity 2020 – know your way around the inspector
Visual Studio IDE ex 2019 is recommended
Course images
Introduction video of Make a 2d Platformer in Unity 2020 using Design patterns course
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
English subtitle
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
13.57 GB
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