Modern GraphQL with Node – Complete Developers Guide is a training course on building API with GraphQL, published by Udemy Academy. GraphQL is a query writing language for API development that was first released by Facebook. Graph QL is currently considered a standard architecture for API development and is used by many developers. GraphQL has unique advantages over other similar options such as Rest API. This training course is 100% project-oriented and you will develop a real application using React framework and NodeJS programming language. Basic knowledge in the field of JavaScript programming language and previous experience with the React framework can help you understand the contents of this course.
What you will learn in Modern GraphQL with Node – Complete Developers Guide course:
- Application of GraphQL in the modern web
- Getting to know the unique advantages and capabilities of graph QL compared to other available options such as REST
- Improve your skills in developing optimized and functional APIs
- Working with the React framework to develop the server side of the application
- Develop and manage multiple GraphQL projects simultaneously
- Familiarity with GraphQL terms
- Building GraphQL server
- Familiarity with the principles of API development
- Adding authentication section and user login and logout management
- Connecting GraphQL to the client side of the website
- Solve the n + 1 problem and improve API performance
Course details
Publisher: Yodmi
teacher: Laith Harb
English language
Education level: introductory
Number of courses: 88
Training duration: 10 hours and 48 minutes
Course headings
Modern GraphQL with Node – Complete Developers Guide course prerequisites
Just the basics of programming. JavaScript would be good
Course images
Course introduction video
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
Subtitle: None
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s):
3.95 GB
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