Download Udemy – Next JS and Google Maps API : Location-Based Ride Requests 2023-11

Next JS and Google Maps API : Location-Based Ride Requests


Next JS and Google Maps API course: Location-Based Ride Requests. Welcome to Mastering the Google Maps API in Next.JS: Building Applications Simplified. Learn and practice Next.JS by building a location-based ride request app with the Google Maps API. This hands-on, project-based course is designed for developers who are eager to improve their Next.js skills and seamlessly integrate the Google Maps API for powerful geo-enabled applications. Discover the art of building a ride-hailing app without the complexities of real-time features, and connect users to fixed drivers for a simple learning experience. Throughout the course, we use the powerful Next.js technology stack, Google Maps API and Supabase for a seamless development process. The curriculum is built with clarity in mind, making it accessible to developers with basic knowledge of React JS. Guided by expert guidance, you’ll gain a deep understanding of the intricacies of integrating Next.js and the Google Maps API, providing a solid foundation for future projects. Upon completion, you’ll not only have a fully functional ride request app, but you’ll also have the skills to create a variety of geo-enabled apps. From ride-sharing platforms and delivery apps to location-based social networks and interactive map-based e-commerce platforms, the possibilities are endless. Register now to unlock the world of geo-enabled app development and improve your coding skills. I will use:

  • Windows
  • Next.JS 14
  • React.JS 18
  • Node V20.9
  • JavaScript, instead of Typescript

Notes: I haven’t authenticated the user yet. It is done at the request of students.

What you will learn in Next JS and Google Maps API: Location-Based Ride Requests course

  • Understanding Next JS Fundamentals: Key concepts and features of Next JS, including server-side rendering and the overall structure of Next JS projects

  • Google Maps API Integration: Learn how to integrate Google Maps API into Next JS applications

  • Implementation of location-based services: development for the ability to implement location-based services in web applications

  • Using Supabase Geo-Queries: Explore and implement Supabase’s powerful geo-queries to enhance location-based functionality.

This course is suitable for people who

  • Map lovers
  • Anyone interested in location-based app development
  • React Developers
  • Learners of Supa Bis

Next JS and Google Maps API course specifications: Location-Based Ride Requests

  • Publisher: Udemy
  • teacher: ABDEL DIOUF
  • Training level: beginner to advanced
  • Training duration: 4 hours and 12 minutes
  • Number of courses: 42

Course topics Next JS and Google Maps API: Location-Based Ride Requests

Next JS and Google Maps API course prerequisites: Location-Based Ride Requests

Course images

Next JS and Google Maps API: Location-Based Ride Requests

Sample video of the course

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: None

Quality: 1080p

download link

Download part 1 – 1 GB

Download part 2 – 1 GB

Download part 3 – 1 GB

Download part 4 – 0.1 GB

File(s) password:


3.1 GB

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