Download Udemy – PostgreSQL High Performance Tuning Guide 2022-4

PostgreSQL High Performance Tuning Guide


PostgreSQL High Performance Tuning Guide course. The PostgreSQL system is one of the most powerful and easiest database management systems. It has strong community support and is actively developing with a new version every year. PostgreSQL supports the most advanced features available in SQL standards. It also offers NoSQL capabilities and very rich data types and extensions. All these things make PostgreSQL a very attractive solution in software systems. However, getting the best out of it has not been easy. You just need the right combination of rules of thumb to get started, proper testing, ongoing monitoring, and maintenance to keep the system running well, and tips for plug-ins to add features that the original database doesn’t try to handle. The Udemy course itself is designed to provide both the theoretical and practical aspects of running Postgres at high performance. It helps you build dynamic database solutions for enterprise applications using one of the latest PostgreSQL versions. You will explore all advanced aspects of PostgreSQL in detail, including logical replication, database clusters, performance tuning, and monitoring. You will also work with the PostgreSQL optimizer, configuring Postgres for high speed by observing transactions, locking, indexes, and optimizing queries. You are expected to have some exposure to databases. Basic familiarity with database objects such as tables and indexes is expected. If you are new to PostgreSQL or have little exposure to it, this Udemy course will be really helpful. If you’ve been working with PostgreSQL for a few years, you should still find some useful commands you didn’t know about or some optimizations you haven’t tried. You will also gain more insight into how the database works. PostgreSQL Performance Tuning online course curriculum:

Familiarity with PostgreSQL server architecture

  • In this section, we will examine the PostgreSQL architecture.
  • Shared buffers work with, rather than replace, the operating system cache. These caches improve performance by reducing the physical I/O required.
  • Why should we carefully set checkpoints to limit crash recovery time, while not affecting the rest of the system’s performance?
  • This section will introduce you all why we need WAL Writer as well as Background Writer.
  • See the steps the Query Processor must go through to reach the result.
  • The Subsystem utility provides ways to maintain the database, such as claiming storage, updating statistics, and logging logs.

Vacuum configuration for performance

  • We’ll see why whenever we do an update or delete, we leave behind a dead row (and possibly a dead index entry) that needs to be cleaned up later with some sort of vacuum.
  • We will learn that performance degrades when tables grow too large due to dead tuples. Therefore, the VACUUM process should never be avoided.
  • This section explains why it’s better to have a constant low intensity vacuum job using the database autovacuum feature instead of disabling that feature and doing the cleanup in larger blocks.

How to use index efficiently

  • Be aware that adding an index increases overhead every time you add or change rows in a table. Each index must satisfy enough queries to justify the cost of maintaining it.
  • In this section, we will explain why the execution plan of a query depends on the data in the table. If the data has low physicality, PostgreSQL will likely ignore this index
  • In this section, we will learn why an index is only useful when it is selective. It can be used to return only a small portion of the table’s rows.
  • In this section, we will explore how to effectively use bitmap scanning

Index optimization tips

  • In addition to using indexes, you can implement custom strategies for your specific application to speed things up.
  • How to answer questions using only the data of a profile using cover profiles.
  • This section discusses why defining indexes on foreign keys is a good idea.
  • In this section, we will examine partial indexes and how to benefit from a small and efficient index.
  • Indexes can require periodic rebuilding to bring them back to optimal performance, and clustering the underlying data against index order can also help improve their speed for lookups.
  • We will explain when it is useful to change the table fill factor parameter.
  • In this section, we will see in which cases it is better to use a composite index versus several independent indices.

Use statistics

  • In this section, you’ll explore statistics that can help you find and sort the queries that are responsible for the most system load.
  • PostgreSQL provides a large set of statistics. In this section, we make it easier to use their insights.
  • We look at the fastest way to identify missing profiles, but we also check when we need to remove listings.

Diagnose query problems

  • We explain how to read query plans and explain how each of the underlying node types works.
  • We’ll see how queries are executed as a collection of nodes, each of which performs a small task, such as fetching data aggregates or sorting.
  • We’ll look at the parts of the query that actually had the longest execution time and see if they have a reasonable matching cost.
  • Differences between estimated and actual rows can cause major planning problems. We will check what we can do in such cases.

Query optimization tips

  • We will see why it is important to first question the semantic correctness of an expression before attacking the performance problem
  • We’ll see why we should avoid SELECT *, ORDER BY, and DISTINCT unless we really need them and there’s no other way.
  • We will explore PostgreSQL features such as CASE syntax and parallel queries to reduce query execution time.

How to adjust shared_buffers for better performance

  • We’ll see that PostgreSQL’s default allocation for shared_buffers is too low, and we need to increase it to allow the appropriate amount of shared memory for the database.
  • We see how shared_buffers work in cooperation with the operating system cache rather than replacing it, and we should measure it as an average percentage of total RAM.
  • We’ll see that if we want to better allocate a percentage to shared_buffers than the operating system cache, we need to analyze the contents of the cache buffers.

Scaling and iteration

  • We will see how replication can be used to improve the performance of a software system by allowing the load to be distributed across multiple database servers.
  • In some cases, the replication functionality provided by PostgreSQL is not sufficient. There are third-party solutions that work around PostgreSQL and provide additional features, such as Pgpool-II, which can act as a load balancer, and Postgres-XL, which is a multi-distributed database solution. It implements a server that can run and manage huge amounts of data. A big time

What you will learn in the PostgreSQL High Performance Tuning Guide course

  • The theory of PostgreSQL architecture and how it works in the infrastructure

  • Learn how to tune shared_buffers for better performance

  • Learn how to configure Vacuum to keep your database clean and fast

  • How to use index efficiently

  • Practice index optimization strategies

  • How to interpret statistics

  • Master how to diagnose query problems

  • Practice query optimization techniques

  • Basic concepts for scaling and replication in PostgreSQL

This course is suitable for people who

  • Database administrators
  • Software developers interested in advanced internal databases that influence application design and performance
  • Anyone interested in building better PostgreSQL applications

PostgreSQL High Performance Tuning Guide course specifications

  • Publisher: Udemy
  • teacher: Lucian Oprea
  • Training level: beginner to advanced
  • Training duration: 2 hours and 40 minutes
  • Number of courses: 51

PostgreSQL High Performance Tuning Guide course headings

PostgreSQL High Performance Tuning Guide course prerequisites

  • You need access to a Windows/Mac/Linux PC with 10GB of free disk space
  • Basic familiarity with database objects such as tables and indexes is expected
  • Some familiarity with Linux will be helpful

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PostgreSQL High Performance Tuning Guide

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