Download Udemy – Python OOP – Object Oriented Programming for Beginners 2023-7

Python OOP - Object Oriented Programming for Beginners


Python OOP – Object Oriented Programming for Beginners, an object oriented programming course for beginners, is published by Vidmy Academy. Learn object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python with mini-projects, hands-on exercises, and carefully designed visual explanations. Understand how OOP elements and abstract concepts work behind the scenes. Apply your knowledge to new scenarios. Python is currently one of the most popular programming languages ​​and its popularity is increasing every year. This language is used for real-world applications in diverse fields such as data science, game development, web development, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and many more. Learning object-oriented programming in Python is your next step into the powerful world of computer science. If you want to expand your computer science skills and build maintainable and scalable applications, object-oriented programming is key.

It is also key to game development, GUI programming, artificial intelligence and many other fields. To implement data structures such as trees, graphs and linked lists, you must learn these concepts. The concepts and techniques you will learn in this course are easily transferable to other programming languages ​​such as JavaScript and many others. You will create a Tic-Tac-Toe game and a text-based version of the card game War following object-oriented programming principles. This course is unique in its emphasis on providing visual and detailed explanations of how object-oriented programming (OOP) elements work behind the scenes, so you’ll not only learn how to use them in Python, but actually Find out what each line of code does behind the scenes.

What you will learn

  • Principles of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) using Python.
  • How the elements of object-oriented programming work behind the scenes.
  • Understand how classes work and how you can instantiate classes.
  • Implement and call methods. Understand their purpose in classes.
  • Define instance properties and class properties. Learn their differences.
  • Use self to refer to instances. Learn how it works behind the scenes.

Who is this course suitable for?

  • New developers who know the basics of Python and want to expand their knowledge.
  • Developers and students who want to learn how to work with object-oriented programming.
  • Self-taught developers who want to jump into the world of object-oriented programming from the basics.
  • Programmers who need to refresh their knowledge in this field.

Details of the Python OOP course – Object Oriented Programming for Beginners

  • Publisher: Udemy
  • teacher: Estefania Cassingena Navone
  • English language
  • Education level: introductory
  • Number of courses: 284
  • Training duration: 18 hours and 44 minutes

At the beginning of the course chapters on 12/2023

Prerequisites of the Python OOP course – Object Oriented Programming for Beginners

  • Basic Python and programming knowledge (data types, variables, conditionals, loops, and functions).

  • Basic knowledge of lists, tuples, and dictionaries is required to complete the mini projects.

  • Python 3 and PyCharm, IDLE or any other Python IDE of your choice. PyCharm is used during the video lectures.

  • Coding exercises can be submitted directly in the browser.


Python OOP - Object Oriented Programming for Beginners

Sample video

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

English subtitle

Quality: 1080p


The version of 2022/12 compared to 2022/6 has increased the number of 22 lessons and the duration of 2 hours and 15 minutes. Also, the course quality has been increased from 720p to 1080p.

The version of 2023/7 compared to 2022/12 has increased the number of 1 lesson and the duration of 1 minute.

download link

Download part 1 – 2 GB

Download part 2 – 2 GB

Download part 3 – 2 GB

Download part 4 – 1.18 GB

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7.18 GB

4.4/5 – (3849 points)

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