Download Udemy – React + Redux – The beginner guide. (+ Learn Typescript) 2023-11

React + Redux - The beginner guide. (+ Learn Typescript )


React + Redux course – The beginner guide + Learn Typescript About this course: React is a JavaScript library used to create web interfaces. It is very powerful, functional and modular. And since it was released, everyone is talking about it, Facebook, Netflix, Yahoo!, AirBnB and many more are using it! React is the web technology you need to know, it is the most popular JavaScript library currently used to create web application. There is a great demand for it in the market. That’s why it’s such a valuable asset to add to your developer tool belt. This course teaches the basics of React and Redux with all the modern features you want and need to know. The goal of “React + Redux – The Guide (Version 2023)” is to get you up to speed with React and Redux as quickly as possible. We’ll cover all the basics and core concepts of React and Redux. We will mostly use practice to do this, because in my opinion, it is the most efficient way to learn.

In this course, we start from the beginning and build several applications together using React and Redux. If ever something about Redux
You haven’t heard, just remember that in 90% of professional projects React is used to manage the data of your application. This is why this library is so important to know when learning React. They are often combined. We will apply everything you will learn in these videos through real examples and real web applications. Also, for every video you watch, a correction will be available to make it easier for you to follow along. Finally, these courses are specifically designed to be accessible and understandable, with plenty of schematics and examples, so you don’t need to be an algorithm killer or 15 years of developer experience to understand. Made for everyone. I’ll explain what I know assuming you don’t currently do React or Redux at all.

Also learn Typescript!: I recently added a whole subsection to this one, to learn Typescript, and how to use it with React.
TypeScript was developed by Microsoft and has become a reference in the JavaScript community.
TypeScript is a language or rather a layer that can be added to a JavaScript project (such as React, Angular, Vue, Node.JS, Electron and many other great technologies). It gives you access to everything JavaScript can do, so you don’t miss a thing and can do more! Every valid JavaScript project uses TypeScript, regardless of the framework or library used.
This is even more true, especially in the professional world. And of course, all this: taught in a good spirit and in a normal way!

– React + Redux

  • – Setting up a React 18 project with tools like “Create React App” or “Vite”
  • – Setting up Redux with the Redux Toolkit
  • — Components
  • — States
  • – accessories
  • – Hooks (useEffect, useContexts, useRef, useNavigation, useRoute, useSelector, useDispatch, useMemo)
  • – Areas
  • – Reference
  • – Forms and validations
  • – Authentication + registration with Firebase
  • – Using Firebase Firestore as real time
  • – Navigation with React router
  • – Callback functions
  • – ES6 functions (map, reduce, filter)
  • – Styling (css, JSS, Bootstrap modules)
  • – Understand NPM
  • – Write in the Redux store
  • – Read from Redux
  • – Understanding cuts, reducers
  • — Redux middleware
  • – Make Redox stable so your data is preserved even after updates
  • – Start a fake server with Json-server
  • – Asynchronous requests
  • – React to the deployment of the application on the web
  • – Testing with Jest and React test libraries
  • – Custom hooks
  • – Support your application in multiple languages ​​with i18n

– Typescript language

  • Basic types and how to use them
  • How the TypeScript compiler works
  • Classes with TypeScript
  • Functions, default and optional parameters
  • objects
  • Arrays
  • objective programming
  • Namespaces and modules
  • Interfaces
  • Counts
  • Access modifier
  • types of
  • Casting type
  • Generics
  • Decorators

– A complete React + Typescript project:

  • Create a Vite + React + Typescript project
  • Build a complete React + TS web app!

And much, much more soon.

see you soon !

What you will learn in React + Redux – The beginner guide + Learn Typescript course

  • Build fast single-page apps with React 18

  • Learn Typescript from scratch!

  • How to create reusable components to build a scalable application

  • Understanding the ecosystem and all the tools that come with React like, NPM, Redux, ES6, React Router…

  • The correct way of architecture of a project

This course is suitable for people who

  • Developers looking to learn the latest React and Redux
  • Engineers who already know React but want to master the concepts.
  • JavaScript developers who want to learn Typescript

Course specifications React + Redux – The beginner guide + Learn Typescript

  • Publisher: Udemy
  • teacher: Robin Lebhar
  • Training level: beginner to advanced
  • Training duration: 23 hours and 49 minutes
  • Number of courses: 252

Course topics React + Redux – The beginner guide + Learn Typescript on 12/2023

Course requirements React + Redux – The beginner guide + Learn Typescript

  • A Mac, Linux or Windows computer
  • Basic knowledge in HTML/CSS/JS is highly recommended

Course images

Sample video of the course

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p

download link

Download part 1 – 2 GB

Download part 2 – 2 GB

Download part 3 – 2 GB

Download part 4 – 2 GB

Download part 5 – 2 GB

Download part 6 – 326 MB

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10.3 GB

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