Download Udemy – Real Time Single Page Forum App with Pusher Laravel & vuejs 2018-9

Real Time Single Page Forum App with Pusher Laravel & vuejs


Real Time Single Page Forum App with Pusher Laravel & vuejs is a training course from the Udemy site that teaches you how to make single page apps realtime using Pusher. Pusher is a hosting service that allows you to add real-time data and functionality to mobile and web applications. In this course, you also with the framework Laravel You will get to know and learn to work with the Vue.js framework.

The course instructor will teach you how to use Pusher to create a real-time notification system similar to Facebook and add the ability to like and dislike and respond in real time to your program. He then explains how to install Laravel and introduces you to how to use Git and Github. Then you will learn how to configure Vue-Router, how to set up Vuetify in Laravel, how to use Json Web Token for authentication, and how to create a RestFul API. At the end of the course, you will be completely familiar with how to make single-page programs and learn how to use Postman and work with models.

Items taught in this course:

  • Building a real-time notification system similar to Facebook
  • Add the ability to like and dislike and respond in real time
  • Using Json Web Token for authentication in Laravel
  • Building and using API in Laravel
  • Using Vuetify alongside Vuejs

Specifications of the Real Time Single Page Forum App with Pusher Laravel & vuejs course:

  • English language
  • Duration: 10 hours and 43 minutes
  • Number of courses: 109
  • Education level: Intermediate
  • Instructor: Sarthak Shrivastava
  • File format: mp4

Course topics Real Time Single Page Forum App

109 lectures 10:43:18

1 Introduction
3 lectures 17:07

2 Create Model, Migration Controller and Factories
5 lectures 16:23

3 Relationships
2 lectures 04:51

4 Factory and seeding
4 lectures 14:58

5 Crude for Question
6 lectures 29:54

6 CRUD for Categories
3 lectures 15:15

7 CRUD for Reply
4 lectures 23:21

8 Likes and Dislikes
1 lecture 08:26

9 JWT for Authentication
4 lectures 47:05

10 JWT Middleware and Exception Handling
3 lectures 19:34

11 Vuetify and Components
4 lectures 21:15

12 Create Components with Routings
3 lectures 18:34

13 Javascript Helper classes and functions
5 lectures 31:26

14 Authentication, SignUp and Logout
6 lectures 36:00

15 Front End Questions CRUD
13 lectures 01:20:41

16 Front End Category CRUD
6 lectures 31:01

17 Front End Reply CRUD
8 lectures 57:06

18 Front End Likes
3 lectures 14:53

19 Notifications
4 lectures 30:49

20 Pusher – Making things Real Time
6 lectures 35:48

21 Exception Handling and Bug Fix
5 lectures 28:50

22 Something Important and Conclusion
3 lectures 20:26

23 Play Notification Sound
1 lecture 06:32

24 From Pusher paid service to free laravel websocket service.
3 lectures 18:32

Pagination on Questions
4 lectures 14:31

Real Time Single Page Forum App course prerequisite

  • You should have knowledge of Laravel and Vuejs Basics, that will make you understand things more easily.


Sample video

Installation guide

After extracting, watch with your favorite player.

Subtitle: None

Quality: 720p

download link

Download part 1 – 1 GB

Download part 2 – 203 MB

Password file(s):


1.2 GB

4.2/5 – (5814 points)

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