REST based microservices API development in Golang is one of the training courses for programming and building Udemy API, which is published with the focus of Go language. In this course, you will learn to develop and build microservices using Hexagonal architecture. At the beginning of the educational process of the course, you will get acquainted with a series of basic and basic topics related to hexagonal architecture and the construction of microservices, and with the help of the instructor, you will design a simple microservice for the first time. Then you will develop the same initial microservice during the training process of the course and finally you will have a complete and practical application. In the development and implementation of software using hexagonal architecture, the principle of dependency inversion plays a very important role and you will learn it over time.
Dependency inversion is a special form of pairing in module programming that has unique principles and rules. After learning the basics, you will develop a functional API to authenticate users and manage their login and logout, and then implement it in a web application.
What you will learn in the REST based microservices API development in Golang course:
- Using solid programming principles (SOLID design principles) in Go language
- Designing and implementing an API to authenticate and manage users using JWT access and refresh tokens
- Understanding how dependency injection works in Go language
- Building different microservices with Go language
- Familiarity with different libraries and their use
- Encoding different structures in JSON format and XML
- Dedicated error library design
- Unit testing with mocks
- Mastering the Hexagonal architecture and its implementation
- Add role-based access control (RBAC) functionality to the API
- Getting to know the concept of Structured Logging in software development
- Code refactoring in the Go programming language
- Getting to know the use of multiplexer in HTTP web server
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Yodmi
teacher: Ashish Juyal
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 42
Training duration: 6 hours and 42 minutes
Course headings
Prerequisites of the REST based microservices API development course in Golang
Students should know basic golang programming concepts like structs, receiver functions and interface
Student should be comfortable with object oriented programming concepts
Course images
Introduction video of REST based microservices API development course in Golang
Installation guide
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English subtitle
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
2.96 GB
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