Download Udemy – Spring Boot Microservices with Spring Cloud Beginner to Guru 2021-11

Spring Boot Microservices with Spring Cloud Beginner to Guru


Spring Boot Microservices with Spring Cloud Beginner to Guru It is a course that helps you master Spring Boot microservices and learn how to build them using Spring Cloud and Docker. Microservices are currently very popular in the IT industry, and building them requires more than a RESTful API. Traditionally, large commercial applications were developed as large integrated applications, and the Spring framework was also used to develop these types of applications. But with the evolution of the programming industry, integrated applications gave way to microservices, and of course Spring and Spring Boot have not fallen behind this evolution.

In this course, you’ll learn that microservices are an architectural style that allows companies to scale with flexibility. Working with microservices has far more challenges than integrated applications, and the Spring framework is very efficient in solving these challenges. This course discusses a wide range of topics, some of which include: developing RESTful services using Spring MVC, using Project Lombok and MapStruct, using Spring Data JPA with Hibernate, configuring Spring Boot for MySQL and H2 , using and configuring Jackson to process JSON with Spring Boot, validating data with Hibernate Validator, documenting and testing Spring Boot microservices, using Awaitily, etc.

Items taught in this course:

  • Building a microservice using Spring Boot
  • Distribution and management of Spring Boot microservices with help Spring Cloud
  • Building a RESTful API with Spring MVC
  • Implementing RESTFul API using Spring RestTemplate
  • Using Project Lombok and MapStruct
  • Using Spring Data JPA with Hibernate
  • Spring Boot configuration for MySQL and H2

Specifications of Spring Boot Microservices with Spring Cloud Beginner to Guru course:

  • English language
  • Duration: 38h 47m
  • Number of lessons: 348 lessons in 30 sections
  • Education level: Intermediate
  • teacher : John Thompson
  • File format: mp4

Course topics Spring Boot Microservices with Spring Cloud Beginner to Guru

Spring Boot Microservices with Spring Cloud Beginner to Guru course prerequisite

  • Must know Java and Spring Framework
  • Basic Docker Skills
  • SQL Skills – MySQL is used in the course
  • Linux skills helpful


Spring Boot Microservices with Spring Cloud Beginner to Guru

Sample video

Installation guide

After extracting, watch with your favorite player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p


Version 2021/3 has increased time by about 5 minutes compared to 2020/6.

The version of 2021/9 compared to 2021/3 has increased the number of 1 lesson and about 12 minutes.

The version of 2021/11 compared to 2021/9 has increased the number of 1 lesson and the time by 12 minutes. Also, the course is free from this date.

download link

Download part 1 – 3 GB

Download part 2-3 GB

Download part 3 – 3 GB

Download part 4 – 3 GB

Download part 5 – 393 MB

Password file(s):


12.39 GB

4.6/5 – (11130 points)

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