The Complete Solidity Course – Blockchain – Zero to Expert is a training course for those interested in the vast and exciting world of blockchain, published by Udemy Academy. This course teaches topics related to the Solidity programming language and different methods of making smart contracts. Solidity is one of the first blockchain programming languages that is used exclusively for the design and development of smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. In recent years, the job demand for specialists in this programming language has increased and many money-making job opportunities are emerging. Solidity is a modern platform-based programming language that has a lot of potential.
This course is one of the most complete Udemy training courses related to Blockchain and Solidity. During the educational process of this course, you will come across examples of application codes, which are worth studying carefully. At the beginning of the course, you will get acquainted with a series of theoretical topics such as the way of processing and implementing this language behind the scenes and how to interpret different pieces of code, and then you will enter into practical topics. As a programmer, you will not only get to know Solidity, but you will also get to know the methods of solving problems in the blockchain platform and troubleshooting written codes. There is thematic unity among all the sections and lessons of this training course, and the process of the course starts with very simple and basic topics and ends with advanced topics and essential skills for the job market.
What you will learn in The Complete Solidity Course – Blockchain – Zero to Expert:
- The basic principles of programming such as conditional commands, operators, arrays, loops, data types, etc.
- Ethereum virtual machine and assembly programming
- send and transfer methods
- Different types of functions such as modifier, cryptographic and fallback
- Function overloading
- Different techniques to solve programming challenges
- Detailed study of help files and Solidity documents
- 30 programming exercises + source code and help files
- Familiarity with frequently asked questions and topics in job interviews
- Advanced programming patterns
- objective programming
Course details
Publisher: Yodmi
Lecturer: Clarian North, TJ Walker and Media Training Worldwide Digital
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 186
Training duration: 16 hours and 31 minutes
Course headings
Prerequisites of The Complete Solidity Course – Blockchain – Zero to Expert
No programming needed to get started. You will learn everything from the ground up.
Course images
Introduction video of The Complete Solidity Course – Blockchain – Zero to Expert
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
English subtitle
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
10.9 GB
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