Download Udemy – The Ultimate DevOps Course 2023 – Jenkins, Terraform, AWS 2023-7

The Ultimate DevOps Course 2023 - Jenkins, Terraform, AWS


The Ultimate DevOps Course 2023 – Jenkins Terraform AWS. This is a project-based DevOps course, which means that at the end of the course, you will have a complete DevOps pipeline and infrastructure that automatically builds, packages, and tests the Java Spring Boot – PetClinic application. You will build this DevOps pipeline and infrastructure from scratch. A DevOps pipeline consists of 5 separate, independent and isolated tasks, each stored in its own git repository. These five tasks are as follows: build task, packaging task, manual/exploratory testing task, API testing task and performance testing task. DevOps CICD is a software engineering approach to automating software delivery. Its goal is to build, test and release software faster and more. This approach helps reduce the cost, time, and risk of change delivery and enables incremental updates to production applications. In this course, you will learn the techniques, processes, and tools to achieve continuous delivery by connecting and automating all phases of software delivery, including configuration management, automated acceptance testing, dependency management, and creating and managing test environments. These techniques are widely applicable to all types of software projects – large, small, highly technical, or short-to-value-first sprints. This course covers CICD tools, strategies and concepts using a practical approach. You will build your Jenkins pipeline for building, testing, and deploying jobs as well as Jenkins integration by integrating and deploying tools such as Maven, JUnit, GitHub, JMeter, Packer, and Terraform on AWS.


  • AWS account
  • PDF Reader / Google Word Access
  • Open source software (download links will be provided)


  • Personal computer terminal

Teaching history and software:

  • 648 – The number of students who are taught using these teaching materials in the Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) course.
  • 5+ years of teaching in private technical companies and UCSD University
  • 25+ years working in the software industry

What you will learn in The Ultimate DevOps Course 2023 – Jenkins Terraform AWS

  • Pass your DevOps interviews, even if you don’t have an official DevOps certification

  • Speak with confidence from your personal experience implementing pipelines in this course on implementing DevOps CICD pipelines on AWS.

  • Promote to DevOps leadership positions to advance your career

  • After successfully completing this course, you will be able to understand, explain and implement DevOps pipelines.

  • Understand the core concepts of DevOps Pipelines architecture for specific purposes

  • Learn how to manage source code, build scripts, and configure applications needed to build, deploy, test, and release applications.

  • Learn how to build a DevOps pipeline that automatically builds, packages, and tests a Spring Boot application from scratch.

  • Learn how to integrate DevOps tools such as: Jenkins, Packer, Maven, GitHub, JMeter, and Terraform on AWS.

  • Learn how to build your own DevOps infrastructure and pipelines using your GitHub and AWS accounts.

  • Learn how to build and run automated tests against each completed build to ensure the software is always working.

  • Learn how to provision infrastructure as code with Terraform as part of your DevOps pipelines

  • Learn how to complete and decouple a DevOps lifecycle pipeline that includes five independent and decoupled jobs.

  • Present yourself confidently at project meetings and DevOps job interviews

  • Learn how to use JMeter to automatically test your applications as part of your DevOps pipelines

  • Learn how to create highly complex Jenkins CICD pipelines

  • Learn how to build AWS AMI images with Packer

  • Learn how to apply DevOps to the software development lifecycle

  • Learn how to extend your DevOps Pipelines architecture horizontally and vertically

This course is suitable for people who

  • Program managers who want to know how DevOps should be implemented.
  • Software engineers who want step-by-step instructions and videos on how to implement DevOps Pipelines
  • QA engineers
  • Aspiring to change careers to DevOps
  • Architects
  • Technical clues
  • Anyone who wants to learn the core strategies of Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery

Details of The Ultimate DevOps Course 2023 – Jenkins Terraform AWS

  • Publisher: Udemy
  • teacher: Norma Ochoa
  • Training level: beginner to advanced
  • Training duration: 9 hours and 6 minutes
  • Number of courses: 88

Headlines of The Ultimate DevOps Course 2023 – Jenkins Terraform AWS on 11/2023

Prerequisites of The Ultimate DevOps Course 2023 – Jenkins Terraform AWS

  • AWS account
  • GitHub Account
  • A Computer Terminal: Ubuntu for Windows or a MAC Terminal
  • PDF Reader / Able to view Google Documents

Course images

The Ultimate DevOps Course 2023 - Jenkins, Terraform, AWS

Sample video of the course

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: None

Quality: 720p

download link

Download part 1 – 1 GB

Download part 2 – 1 GB

Download part 3 – 1 GB

Download part 4 – 49 MB

File(s) password:


3.04 GB

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