Download Udemy – The Ultimate Excel Programmer Course 2021-11

The Ultimate Excel Programmer Course


The Ultimate Excel Programmer Course. Learn Excel to do your work for you. . . Microsoft Office is everywhere, installed on more than 750 million computers, but most users only know how to set up a basic table or maybe even a few formulas here and there. In my course, I teach you how to hack Excel and make it do whatever you want, whenever you want. It can review a lot of information and generate a printable report for you. You can build custom forms to quickly access, analyze, edit, or add new information to your data tables/worksheets. Excel programming uses a simple but effective tool called “VBA” – a hidden programming language that runs quietly in the background while you work. It is very easy and simple to use. I will show you the easiest tricks to learn this basic language in a fun and progressive way. Learn at your own pace With each of my short, informative lectures, you’ll learn another essential skill that you can use right away. You’ll find yourself managing these automation tools instantly on every spreadsheet you already use every day. If there’s one thing I’m good at—and my students are—it’s automation. My motto is, “If I don’t make everyone’s job easier, faster, and more enjoyable, I don’t deserve to have this job”—and that’s what I live by. Take this course and reach your true potential. Oh, and I want to be the first to hear about your new raise when you create Excel programs and automate everything for your colleagues!

What you will learn in The Ultimate Excel Programmer Course

  • Automate and customize data entry forms

  • Choose the right ring for every task

  • Master CELLS and RANGE objects in multiple scenarios

  • Create multiple variable styles to match your needs

  • Customize your VBA editor and understand all the toolbars and options

  • Debug and troubleshoot code like a boss!

  • Record, modify or write macros from scratch

  • Build custom formulas/functions on the fly

  • Review IF THEN statements and conquer all logical operators

  • Collect interactive message boxes, inboxes and give users options!

  • Create basic printable reports

  • Add filters to report menus to limit records

  • Take control of forms, buttons, drop-down menus, checkboxes and radio buttons and much more. . .

  • Trigger code in a number of different ways – from clicking a cell – to deselecting a worksheet.

  • Set special commands when a workbook: is opened or closed, selected, any specific cell or cells are selected, just before printing, etc. .

  • Manipulate Userforms to enter data, generate reports, edit tables/databases – all under your control. Limit the flow of data or make the user form(s) responsive, computational, and intuitive.

  • Simplify your work and others.

  • Put Excel on autopilot. . .

  • Running macros using worksheets and UserForm controls (buttons, shapes, popups, list boxes, click actions, lots of fun controls)

  • Change cell properties using code – cell color, font properties (bold, italic, underline, etc.), borders, and more!

  • Begin advanced math with variables and learn proper usage, declaration, and scope

  • Learn string functions, concatenation and how to control case sensitivity with VBA functions

  • Create your own functions for use in VBA or cells!

  • Advanced search functions are only available in VBA

  • Fun with date and time math to calculate duration, length and distances

  • Projects: Build complete games, learn from coding exercises, and enjoy mid-lecture challenges!

  • Discover and master VBE (Visual Basic Editor) and all its mysterious buttons and features!

  • Cope with mistakes and learn how to avoid them

  • Feed data from one macro to another using the ByRef and ByVal methods

  • Use all types of variables: constant, static, module level, public, private, “module private option” etc.

  • Bonus #1: Free eBook “Excel VBA Master Keyboard Shortcuts” – now with more shortcuts (for PC and Mac) than anywhere else

  • Bonus #2: Free image tools for better form buttons, images, and backgrounds

  • Bonus #3: Free mouse icon packs to customize the MouseOver effect on many controls including the UserForm background!

  • Three ways to access the worksheet using code

  • Get the borders of a range of cells the way the pros do (better LastRow and LastCol techniques)

  • Dynamic sorting or data filtering You can have multiple sorting options, each assigned to a different button!

  • Using user input (message boxes, input boxes, user forms) and using conditional logic (IF THEN, CASE STATEMENTS, AND, OR, NOT) to control direction

  • Enter worksheet functions programmatically using regular notation or R1C1 in cells

  • Practice code leanness and efficiency techniques, such as WITH/END WITH statements.

  • Supercharge your code with Don’s VBA speed hacks

  • Get random numbers to generate passwords, generate filenames, generate random actions in games/projects, speed tests

  • Search cells and strings with advanced pattern matching and comparison, such as the InStr operator and functions

  • Advanced message box features (including special icons, directions, buttons: yes/no, yes/no/cancel, cancel/retry and many more…)

  • Create optional UDF parameters and select volatile or non-volatile functionality

This course is suitable for people who

  • This Excel course is for those who want to learn the secrets of automation in Excel VBA. It’s for complete beginners and/or students looking for a refresher or reference tool to pick and choose relevant lessons for their projects. No prior programming knowledge is required.
  • This course is probably not for you if you are looking to learn ultra-advanced reporting, which will be covered specifically in later courses. However, we’ll make sure you know how to get good solid reports from your data and lots of tricks to make it look good.
  • Beginning for advanced Excel users who are ready to automate their projects and use highly customizable macros, build their own UserForms, and learn programming fundamentals in a safe, easy, and progressive way.

Details of The Ultimate Excel Programmer Course

  • Publisher: Udemy
  • teacher: Daniel Strong
  • Training level: beginner to advanced
  • Training duration: 30 hours and 26 minutes
  • Number of courses:

Headlines of The Ultimate Excel Programmer Course on 1/2023

Prerequisites of The Ultimate Excel Programmer Course

  • You should already have Microsoft Excel (version 2003 and up). Obviously the newer the better, but VBA works the same in all versions. It’s just that newer versions have more options, thus more VBA Commands to control those options.
  • Very very basic Excel skills needed for this course (like opening the program, how to click on cells and type things.) You really don’t need any Excel experience, because I’ll take you from Start to Finish in this course. I was just trying to be funny.

Course images

The Ultimate Excel Programmer Course

Sample video of the course

Installation guide

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English subtitle

Quality: 720p

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Download part 1 – 2 GB

Download part 2 – 2 GB

Download part 3 – 2 GB

Download part 4 – 2 GB

Download part 5 – 1.92 GB

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9.92 GB

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