UDP Socket Programming For Distributed Computing in C#.Net is the name of a training course from the Udemy website that introduces you to socket programming for Distributed computing Introduces C#.Net language. In the first part of the course, you will get familiar with the basics of computer network and UDP socket programming and learn how to send and receive UDP broadcast using Socket.Send and Socket.Receive methods. Then you will learn how to convert string and byte data types and learn how distributed network software works.
In the course, you will learn the asynchronous topic of socket programming and get familiar with callback methods and how to implement them in C# .Net. The next part of the course is related to the pub/sub model and how to use it in the project, and then object-oriented programming is discussed. The course instructor will also explain to you what JSON is and how to add its features to C# software. By watching this course, you will be able to create a proprietary distributed software that can communicate over the network.
Items taught in this course:
- UDP socket programming in C# .Net language
- Familiarity with the subject of concurrency and non-synchronicity
- Making chat and IoT software
- Building VoIP software
- Using Newtonsoft JSON in the client part of the software
Specifications of the course UDP Socket Programming For Distributed Computing in C#.Net:
- English language
- Duration: 3h 16m
- Number of courses: 51
- Education level: Intermediate
- teacher : Naeem Akram
- File format: mp4
Course headings
UDP Socket Programming For Distributed Computing in C#.Net course prerequisite
- Visual Studio 2017
- C# .Net
- Programming
Sample video
Installation guide
After extracting, watch with your favorite player.
English subtitle
Quality: 720p
The 2020/8 version has not changed in the number of lessons and time compared to 2019/5. It has been updated only because more than 6 months have passed since the previous update.
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
1.8 GB
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