Download Ultimate Courses – React Router v6 2021-6

React Router


React Router is a training course on moving between components and routing in React framework applications with the React Router tool, published by the Ultimate Courses specialized academy. This training course is completely project-oriented and will solve one of the most difficult topics and problems of the React framework, routing, in your mind forever.

What you will learn in React Router course:

  • Installation, setup and configuration of React framework and React Router
  • Component-oriented routing and its implementation methods
  • Different authentication scenarios and user login and logout management
  • Managing 404 pages and redirecting users to other pages
  • Building nested and complex paths

Course details

Publisher: Ultimate Courses
teacher: Todd Motto
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 37
Training duration: 4 hours and 31 minutes

Course headings


  • The Missing Introduction to React Router
  • Project Walkthrough and Install

Core Essentials

  • Introducing the
  • and Path declarations
  • Switching elements with
  • Handling 404 Not Found routes
  • Redirecting 404 Not Found routes

Declarative Navigation and Links

  • Navigating to routes with
  • Active link states with
  • Active styles on

Advanced Routing Practices

  • Nested Routes and
  • Fetching Data in Nested Routes
  • Relative and Absolute Navigation with
  • Creating Dynamic Routes
  • Reading Route Params with useParams() Hook
  • Fetching Dynamic Data with Route Params
  • Programmatic Navigation with useNavigate()
  • Replacing Router State on Navigation
  • Passing State on Navigation alongside useLocation()
  • Understanding Navigation Deltas with useNavigate()
  • Domain-Driven Nested Routes
  • Restricting Access with a Component

CRUD Operations and Bonus Techniques

  • Re-investigating Relative Paths
  • Using with Nested Routes
  • Creating a new product from a form
  • Redirecting upon Product Creation
  • Retrieving an existing product
  • Updating an existing product
  • Deleting an existing product
  • Passing Props to Routed Components
  • Reading Search Params with useSearchParams()
  • Syncing Search Param State with UI State
  • Rendering UI from Search Param State
  • Scrolling to Top after Route Transitions
  • Object-based Route Config with useRoutes()

Performance Techniques

  • Code Splitting and Lazy-Loading Components
  • Creating a Suspense-ready Lazy-Load Component

React Router course prerequisites

React Basics Course

Course images

Sample video of React Router course

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: None

Quality: 1080p

download link

Download part 1 – 1 GB

Download part 2 – 623 MB

Password file(s):


1.62 GB

4.8/5 – (971 points)

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