Download Wes Bos – Beginner JavaScript 2019-11

Beginner JavaScript


Beginner JavaScript is a project-based JavaScript training course published by Wes Bos. In this course, you will learn a basic knowledge of JavaScript, which is essential for success, regardless of the framework you use. JavaScript is hard to learn and this course is made in an interesting and attention-grabbing style.

What you will learn in the Beginner JavaScript course:

  • The basics of JavaScript
  • Data structures in JavaScript
  • Functions, parameters and types of function definition method
  • Logic and workflow in JavaScript

Course details

Publisher: Wes Bos
Instructors: Wes Bos
English language
Number of courses: 85
Duration: 27 hours and 33 minutes

Course topics:

The Basics

Welcome and Course Methodologies
Browser, Editor and Terminal Setup
Running and Loading JS
Variables and Statements
Code Quality Tooling with Prettier and ESLint
Types – Introduction
Types – Strings
Types – Numbers
Types – Objects
Types – null and undefined
Types – Booleans and Equality

Functions – Built in
Functions – Custom
Functions – Parameters and Arguments
Different Ways to Declare Functions
Debugging Tools

The Tricky Bits

The DOM — Working with HTML and CSS
The DOM – Introduction to the document
The DOM – Selecting Elements
The DOM – Element Properties and Methods
The DOM – Working with Classes
The DOM – Build in and Custom Data Attributes
The DOM – Creating HTML
The DOM – HTML from Strings and XSS
The DOM – Traversing and Removing Nodes

Events – Event Listener
Events – targets, bubbling, propagation and capture
Events – Prevent Default and Form Events
Events – Accessibility Gotchas and Keyboard Codes

Serious Practice Exercises
Click Outside Modal
Scroll Events and Intersection Observer

Logic and Flow Control
Flow Control – If Statements, Function Returns, Truthy, Falsey
Coercion, Ternaries and Conditional Abuse
Case Switch and Animating a Turtle with CSS Variables
Intervals and Timers

Data Types
Object Reference vs. Values
Array Cardio – Static Methods
Array Cardio – Instance Methods
Array Cardio – Callback Methods and Function Generation

Gettin’ Loopy
Looping and Iterating – Array .forEach
Looping and Iterating – Mapping
Looping and Iterating – Filter, Find and Higher Order Functions
Looping and Iterating – Reduce
Looping and Iterating – Reduce Exercise
Looping and Iterating – for, for in, for of and while Loops

Harder Practice Exercises
Face Detection and Censorship
Sarcastic Text Generator
Shopping Form with Custom Events, Delegation and local storage
Building a Gallery Exercise
Building a Slider

Prototypes, “this”, “new” and inheritance

The New Keyword
The this keyword
Prototype Refactor of the Gallery Exercise
Prototypes and Prototypal Inheritance
Prototype Refactor of the Slider Exercise
bind, call and apply

Advanced Flow Control
The Event Loop and Callback Hell
Promises – Error Handling
Refactoring Callback Hell to Promise Land
Async Await
Async Await Error Handling
Async Await Prompt UI
Async Typer UI – two ways

Ajax and Fetching Data
Ajax and APIs
CORS and Recipes
Dad Jokes
Currency Converter

ES Modules and Structuring Larger Apps
Currency Modules Refactor
Dad Jokes Modules Refactor
Bundling and Building with Parcel
using open source npm packages

Final Round of Exercises
Web Speech Colors Game
Audio Visualization

Wes Bos – Beginner JavaScript course prerequisites:

This course is 100% beginner friendly. No JavaScript experience required. Basic HTML and CSS knowledge is assumed.


Introduction video of Wes Bos – Beginner JavaScript course:

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: None

Quality: 1080p

download link

Download part 1 – 1 GB

Download part 2 – 1 GB

Download part 3 – 1 GB

Download part 4 – 1 GB

Download part 5 – 1 GB

Download part 6 – 820 MB

Password file(s):


5.8 GB

4.6/5 – (2748 points)

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