Data Analysts Toolbox: Excel, Python, Power BI, PivotTables is a training course to familiarize with various data analysis tools and software such as Excel software, Python programming language, Power BI and pivot table published by Udemy Academy. Is. This course is completely comprehensive and will introduce you to the data analysis toolbox. In today’s modern businesses, extracting correct data and analyzing them for future decisions plays a very important role. Previously, there was not much need for data analysis, but with the progress made in this type of analysis, almost all departments and sectors of a dynamic and active business need data analysis.
For normal users, it is enough to learn Python programming language and Power BI and Excel software, and the user can use these tools to perform complex information analysis.
What you will learn in the Data Analysts Toolbox: Excel, Python, Power BI, PivotTables training course:
- Creating professional and beautiful dashboards using pivot tables
- Advanced data analysis techniques
- Create a PivotTable
- Formatting and styling pivot tables
- Sort and filter different data in pivot tables
- Making 3D maps
- Update and update data in tables and pivot charts
- Analyzing massive amounts of business data and getting logical results from them
- Creating beautiful and interactive dashboards in Power BI software
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Simon Sez IT
English language
Education level: Intermediate
Number of courses: 258
Training duration: 27 hours and 12 minutes
Course topics on 8/2022
Course prerequisites
You’ll need a copy of Microsoft Excel that is compatible with the Power Pivot tool.
A good understanding of MS Excel. This is an advanced level course.
Power BI Desktop installed on your machine is required to take the practical exercises
A good knowledge of MS Excel is advised but not necessary
Course images
Data Analysts Toolbox course introduction video: Excel, Python, Power BI, PivotTables
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
English subtitle
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
11.3 GB
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