German Course 2 | The Easy Way to Learn German

German Course 2 The Easy Way to Learn German


German Course 2 | The Easy Way to Learn German is a German language training course with an innovative and new method, after which you will speak German fluently in a short period of time. The method of this training course is based on active learning with the help of short stories.

The grammar topics of this course are as follows:

Declension of the adjective | Comparative of adjectives Local adverbs Temporary adverbs Adverbs Ja-Nein-Doch | Adverbs Gern-Lieber | Coordinating Conjunctions Subordinate Conjunctions Two-member Conjunctions | Question Words | Two-Way-Prepositions | Local Prepositions Temporary Prepositions Pronouns, Determinants and Articles Gender of Nouns | Plural Substantive | Compound Substantive | n-Declination | Auxiliary Verbs | Verbs with separable prefix | Verbs with inseparable prefix | Verbs with vowel change in the radical | Transitive Verbs Reflective Verbs | Modal Verbs | Imperative | present Simple Past Participle Present Perfect | Past Perfect | Future | Conditional – Konjunktiv II | The passive voice – Vorgangpassiv | The passive voice – Zustandspassiv | Irregular Verbs | When to use accusative and when to use dative | Denial When to use wie/als | The use of Was für ein-/Welch- | Intention Sentences um… zu/damit

What is in the course of German Course 2 | The Easy Way to Learn German You will learn:

  • Ability to understand the main idea of ​​complex texts with objective and abstract topics, even if these topics are technical and specialized.
  • High level active vocabulary
  • The ability to communicate and interact with native speakers fluently and fluently enough to communicate without disruption.
  • Ability to create clear and accurate texts on various topics
  • Ability to explain your point of view on general topics including pros and cons of different options
  • Assimilation of different cultural aspects of the German language format for a better understanding of German terms
  • Learn the perfect German language at B2 level
  • Learn about German culture

Course details

Publisher: Udemy
Instructors: Marcus Fritzsche
English language
Education level: Intermediate
Number of courses: 256
Duration: 8 hours and 9 minutes

Course topics:

Course prerequisites:

It is recommended to have a basic level of German (at least A1).
The explanations are in English, so it is necessary to understand this language.


German Course 2 The Easy Way to Learn German

Sample video

Installation guide

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Subtitle: None

Quality: 720p

download link

Download part 1 – 2 GB

Download part 2 – 2 GB

Download part 3 – 2 GB

Download part 4 – 2 GB

Download part 5 – 212 MB

Password file(s):


8.2 GB

4.6/5 – (2245 points)

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