German Language B1 – Intermediate German – Udemy Free Download

German Language B1 - Intermediate German


German Language B1 – Intermediate German is an intermediate level German language training course. This course includes almost the easiest part of B1 level German grammar and helps you to learn more advanced grammar. Along with 79 grammar lectures, this course includes 5 videos about German terms as well as German culture, education system and festivals. Finally, a video is included to improve your speaking skills.

The grammar content of the course is as follows:

Zukunft im Präsens Zeitangaben – Zukunft Modalpartikel | Kausale Konjunktionaladverbien | Kausaladverbien | Artikelwort “Welch-“| Artikelwort “Irgendein-” | Als Ob | The Verb “Brauchen” And It´s Correct Usage| Konjunktionen | The Word “nämlich” | Pronoun | Subclauses With “dass” | Adjektivendung -bar | Finalangaben | Difference Between “von” and “aus” | The Verb lassen” and It´s Correct Usage | impersonal Ausdrücke | Classes of irregular verbs Genitive | Genitive Possessivartikel | Demonstrative pronoun Genitive | “indem” and soddas” | Adjektivdeklination | Konzessive Sätze Modal verbs and their meaning Direktionaladverbien | Perfekt Modalangaben | Indirect questions Conditionalsätze | Infinitivsätze | Komposita | Präteritum | Plusquamperfekt Werden – Veränderung | weil-da-denn | Konjunktiv II – irreale Wünsche | Konjunktiv II – Wunschsätze | Konjunktiv II – Modalverben | The Word “falls” | Verben mit Infinitiv | Präfix un- | Präpositionaladverbien | Verben mit Präpositionalobjekt | Relativpronomen | Temporale Nebensätze Vorgangpassiv | Passiv im Nebensatz Passiv ohne Subjekt | Passiv im Perfekt Passiv im Präteritum Passiv im Plusquamperfekt Adjective als Nomen | Adjektiv-Kombination| Mehrteilige Konjunktionen | Modaladverbien | Partizip II als Substantive

What you will learn in the German Language B1 – Intermediate German course:

  • After the end of this course, you will learn all topics of German grammar at B1 level.

Course details

Publisher: Udemy
Instructors: Julia Krist
English language
Education level: Intermediate
Number of courses: 99
Duration: 14 hours and 59 minutes

Course topics on 1/2024

German Language B1 - Intermediate German

Course prerequisites:

You should have passed the A1 and A2 level in order to participate in this course.


German Language B1 - Intermediate German

Sample video

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p

Previous title:

German B1 – Intermediate German


The version of 2022/12 compared to 2020/8 has increased the number of 6 lessons and the duration has decreased by 6 minutes. English subtitles have also been added to the course.

download link

Download part 1 – 2 GB

Download part 2 – 2 GB

Download part 3 – 2 GB

Download part 4 – 2 GB

Download part 5 – 2 GB

Download part 6 – 2 GB

Download part 7 – 134 MB

File(s) password:


12.1 GB

4.3/5 – (4776 points)

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