Typing Masterclass: Learn Typing Fast & 15 Day Typing Race is a fast typing training course in 15 days published by Yodemy Online Academy. In this training course, you will get to know different types of techniques that will help you to gain knowledge and skill in fast typing. In this training course, you will be able to type faster and finish your work faster with only 15 days of working on your typing skills. In this training course, you will learn what is the best position of the body and hands for typing, how to type on the keyboard, how to place fingers, keyboard shortcuts and tips on improving typing speed and other things.
This training course is recommended for people who want to increase their speed and accuracy in typing and act smarter. After completing this training course, you will have a high skill in correct and standard typing, and your typing speed and accuracy will increase significantly, and you will enjoy typing.
What you will learn in Typing Masterclass: Learn Typing Fast & 15 Day Typing Race:
- How to type on the keyboard
- Keyboard shortcuts
- The best body posture while typing
- Tips on improving typing speed
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Brennan Zimmer
English language
Education level: introductory
Number of courses: 58
Training duration: 1 hour and 53 minutes
Course headings
Course prerequisites
Simply have a device that has a keyboard!
Course images
Course introduction video
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
English subtitle
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
1.3 GB
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