Download Inus Rapidform XOR3 SP1 v3.1.0.0 x64
Engineering and specialization

Download Inus Rapidform XOR3 SP1 v3.1.0.0 x64

Description Rapidform XOR3 is the only reverse engineering software that combines CAD capabilities and data processing using 3D scanning, so you can create feature-based, editable models compatible with CAD environments. This program is compatible with […]

Sesam Marine
Engineering and specialization

Download DNV Software Sesame Marine 2013

Description Marine operations such as transportation and installation and transportation of fixed and floating structures, as well as installation of subsea equipment in deep areas with harsh weather is one of the engineering challenges. Sesam […]

Download Pipe Flow Wizard 1.07
Engineering and specialization

Download Pipe Flow Wizard 1.07

Description Pipe Flow Wizard is an amazing and easy-to-use software for calculating the flow rate in a pipe, calculating the pressure drop in the pipe and the size of the pipe diameter. Calculating these results […]