tnxTower icon
Engineering and specialization

Download Tower Numerics tnxTower

Description tnxTower, which was previously published under the name RISATower, is a multi-purpose design, modeling and analysis software for civil engineers, which is specially made for communication towers. tnxTower has powerful tools for rapid modeling […]

Engineering and specialization

Download AxisVM X5 Release 3h x86/x64

Description AxisVM is a specialized software in the field of structural analysis, which is specially designed for civil engineers. Analysis of structures is one of the sub-branches of civil and aerospace engineering that analyzes the […]

Pix4Dmapper icon
Engineering and specialization

Download Pix4Dmapper Enterprise 4.5.6 x64

Description Pix4Dmapper is an efficient software for aerial photogrammetry and short range. Photogrammetry or imaging is the knowledge and technology of extracting information about the earth and its surroundings from images taken with a camera. […]