Master MCSE: Windows Server 2022 OS Administration Course is a Windows Server 2022 training course and preparation for obtaining the MCSE professional certification certificate published by Udemy Academy. This training course is completely project-oriented and practical, and you will be provided with a series of very frequent and important questions and topics. This training course is specially designed for those people who are interested in managing systems and data centers. Almost all large companies around the world have purchased a set of different servers to support the organization’s executive programs, and a huge part of these servers work on the Windows operating system. In this regard, managing Windows systems is one of the most demanding jobs.
Windows systems management is not a separate job position and it can be considered as a sub-branch of system management, data center management, network management and cloud systems management. Among the most important topics of this course, we can mention the installation and configuration of Windows Server, troubleshooting and resetting the initial settings of Windows Servers, etc.
What you will learn in the Master MCSE: Windows Server 2022 OS Administration Course:
- Installation and configuration of Windows Server
- Diagnosing and resetting the initial settings of Windows servers
- Different components of a computer system
- Network and networking
- Different devices in the network field and the use of each of them
- Management of users and active directories
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Mohammed Asif Khan
English language
Education level: introductory
Number of courses: 178
Training duration: 24 hours and 30 minutes
Course headings
Course prerequisites
Students should know how to use the Personal Computer (Desktop or Laptop).
Course images
Introduction video of Master MCSE course: Windows Server 2022 OS Administration Course
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
English subtitle
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
11.3 GB
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