Zero to Full Stack Hero – Download Papa React

Zero to Full Stack Hero


Zero to Full Stack Hero is a full stack web development course. You don’t need any programming experience to use this course, we will start from the basic topics of web development and will reach a master in React. In this way, you will be taught the current technologies such as Redux, Firebase, Typescript, Next.js, mongoDB.

The instructor of this course has more than ten years of coding experience and as a full-stack developer, he has worked in startups and large companies and has gained a lot of experience. He is very interested in teaching his skills to others, and for this reason, he has taught many people to the point where he has had millions of views on YouTube.

What you will learn in Papa React – Zero to Full Stack Hero course:

  • Full Stack Development: Covering all components of web development including Frontend and Backend technologies and everything in between.
  • Development training from introductory to advanced level
  • Fundamental principles of REACT
  • All web development requirements including HTML, CSS, Javascript languages
  • Acquiring skills in CSS by learning Flexbox, CSS Grid, Bootstrap, Material-UI to improve the appearance of your site
  • Complete training of React
  • REDUX training
  • How to render server side
  • Training to use FIREBASE
  • Learn backend programming with NODE.JS and EXPRESS training
  • Teaching how to use TYPESCRIPT
  • Complete learning of GRAPHQL

Course details

Publisher: Papa React
Instructors: sonny sangha
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced

Training duration: 101.5 hours

Titles of Zero to Full Stack Hero course:

Introduction to React
Component Based Design
Create React App
VS Code Extensions
JSX Introduction
BEM Naming Convention
Class Based vs Functional Based Components
Introduction to State
Introduction to Props
Styling Components
Creating Our First Input Form
Rules of Hooks
The useEffect Hook
Building Our First Custom Hook & How to use a useRef!
Introduction to Web Dev Essentials
Extensions you NEED to install right now!
HTML Introduction and Document Layout
Tags and Attributes
Adding Links and Images
Lists & Tables
An Introduction to Divs
Classes & ID’s
Span & Inline

Introduction to Storybook – Image Optimization in Next.js – Mobile First design with Tailwind CSS – Saga and Thunk Discussion
Getting Started with Tailwind CSS – Tailwind JIT – Dark Mode with Local Storage – Responsive Mobile First Design – Themes – Next.JS
Introduction to CSS and Using Dribble Design with Tailwind CSS by AVNEESH AGARWAL


JavaScript: Difference between const, var and let – Loops: while and for – Arrays: Push, Pop, Shift, Unshift – Connecting JS function to React component by Ben Elferink
JavaScript: Creating A Console Game (Thinking Outside The Box) by Ben Elferink
JavaScript: Having Fun With Math to Animate & Thinking Outside The Box by Ben Elferink
JavaScript: JavaScript Interview Questions – String Manipulations by Sanjay Tholani and Ben Elferink

Props & State – Class and Functional Components – Productivity Hacks – Book Recommendations – VS Code Extensions
React Hooks Fundamentals – React Hook Forms – CSS Modules – Datalist Dynamic Search – Investing Tips & Client Negotiation
Recoil Mastery – Atoms / Selectors – Recoil vs Redux – Open Q&A – Presentational Components – React Suspense – Async in Recoil – State Persistence
Built a Weather App – APIs – String Manipulation – useRef – Git – MomentJS – CSS Media Queries – ES6 Reduce – Glassmorphism
Google Sheets API + React – React-hook-form – Form Validation – useRef vs useState – Axios and API’s – Data Fetching

Learn With Different Projects+:

Intro to Framer Motion – JS Animations – Portfolio Ideas & Inspirations – Firebase Cloud Functions Discussion
Using Charts in React (ApexCharts) – react-firebase-hooks – Converting Class Based Components to Functional – Node & Express – Conditional Rendering
Creating a React app with Webpack and Babel by LUKA RESETAR
Tasty Recipes of React by SHRADDHA HINGE
2D Game named Breakout made in React: Implementing 3rd Party Library called Phaser – useState and useEffect hooks – Firebase Deploy by Richard Lawlor

Using State – Add & Edit State Items – Toggle Favorite (Boolean) and Render Filtered Lists – How To Use LocalStorage by Ben Elferink and Aldo Echeverria
Async functions (with a TRY/CATCH instead of a promise) – Fetching Data – Map an {Object} by Ben Elferink
Responsive Navbar – Router, Switch, React-router-dom – NavLink – useState – CSS Media Queries – Font Awesome Icons by Tommy Kelly
Video Bookmark App in React: useRef Hook – Spread Operator – Event Binding – Time Format by Asad Memon

Introduction to useRef Hook in React – Document Selector in VanillaJS vs useRef by Asad Memon
Building an E-Commerce Site with Redux – Basket Implementation – Actions & Selectors – Reduce Function – Routing in Next.js Vs React Router – Q&A
Redux Basic Concepts – Building a TODO App with Redux Implementation by PEDRO GONCALVES


Introduction to React Native & Expo – Testing Suggestions – React Native Lifecycle Focus & Blur – Advice for Interviews – Performance Optimizations
Building a REST API with Express and MongoDB – Testing API with POSTMAN – Deploying in Heroku – Controlling the API with a Web App – Fetching API to a Front-End Application by AADIL and SANJAY
Firebase Hosting 101 (Images & Videos) – Media Types – Progress Indicators – Q&A
Firebase Cloud Functions – Using Express on a Cloud Function – CORS – SQL vs NoSQL – Data Modeling – Recoil Overview

Drag and Drop it like it’s HOT! (dnd) – Typescript introduction – Portfolio 101
Typescript Introduction with Next.js – Building a Menu the right way with Headless UI – Tailwind CSS
Building a Translation App with Firebase Extensions – Next.JS – Internationalization – SSR vs SSG – Netlify & Vercel Deployments
Handling Different Authentication methods in Next.js – NextAuth – Facebook & Google Sign In – Pros & Cons – Next.js Image Component & Webp Explanation – Lazy Loading
Stripe Session Checkout & Next.js backend – Nvm node version control – Productivity tips – react-hooks-form
Next.js SSR vs SSG In Practice – API’s – useRouter – How to Deploy a Next.js App to Vercel – Q&A Session

Intro to GraphQL – Apollo Client & Server Setup – Next.JS – SSR with GQL – Queries & Mutations (DIAMOND PREVIEW) Productivity & Life Hacks 101 – Time Management – ​​Beginner to Entrepreneur Roadmap – Career Guide & Mentorship – Q&A
Databases 101 and Introduction to SQL by YAP QIANG
Freelancing 101 by PRIYANSHU SARAF
Learning Linear Data Structures in Node.js – On Learning, Tracking, Big O Notation, Code Runner Extension, Classes, LinkedList Node & Queue, and Stack by ROBERT PARSONS
In Depth into Git Command Line Interface – Diving in Linux Bash Commands by KEVIN BARTA

Zero to Full Stack Hero course prerequisites:

This course covers everything from the BASICS to the most ADVANCED topics. This is a FULL Stack tutorial meaning both Frontend and Backend technologies will be taught. Whether you have ZERO experience or 10+ years of experience, this course is for you!


Zero to Full Stack Hero course introduction video:

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: None

Quality: 1080p

download link

Download part 1 – 5 GB

Download part 2 – 5 GB

Download part 3 – 5 GB

Download part 4-5 GB

Download part 5 – 5 GB

Download part 6 – 5 GB

Download part 7 – 5 GB

Download part 8 – 112 MB

Password file(s):


35.1 GB

4.9/5 – (7244 points)

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