Download OFF-GRID Solar Energy Systems: Design and Operation

OFF-GRID Solar Energy Systems: Design and Operation - 2023


OFF-GRID Solar Energy Systems: Design and Operation – 2023 is an off-grid solar energy systems training course published by Udemy Online Academy. In this training course, you will learn how to supply energy off the grid. Off-grid solar power systems are independent power supply systems that generate electricity using solar panels and store it in batteries for use when the sun is not shining. In this training course, you will get to know all the topics of these energy supply systems. This training course is divided into three separate sections, which include production, storage and consumption. Each of these sections has different subcategories that you will get to know.

Therefore, in each part of this training course, you will face different multiple-choice questions that will help you learn. In this training course, you will get to know the different components of solar energy systems, solar panels, generators, alternators, batteries, charge controllers, inverters, wiring, fuses and breakers, and you will learn how they work and their role in the system. took Off-grid solar energy systems are a stable and reliable source of electricity, and with the advancement of technology, these systems are increasingly becoming sustainable and cost-effective solutions for decentralized power generation, therefore having the knowledge and Knowledge of these systems is invaluable.

What you will learn in the training course OFF-GRID Solar Energy Systems: Design and Operation – 2023:

  • Critical components in off-grid energy systems
  • Principles of correct design of energy systems
  • The latest inverter technologies
  • Obtain the highest output power
  • Basic principles of electricity operation
  • And …

Course details

Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Jesse Gorter, Energy Engineer
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 72
Training duration: 2 hours and 51 minutes

Course headings

Course prerequisites

No prior knowledge is required, this course will teach you all that you need to know.
An eager mind is definitely helpful: Be ready to learn and absorb the knowledge!

Course images

OFF-GRID Solar Energy Systems: Design and Operation - 2023

OFF-GRID Solar Energy Systems: Design and Operation – 2023 course introduction video

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: None

Quality: 720p

download link

Download part 1 – 1 GB

Download part 2 – 1 GB

Download part 3 – 1 GB

Download part 4 – 806 MB

Password file(s):


3.8 GB

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