Introduction to Negotiation: A Strategic Playbook for Becoming a Principled and Persuasive Negotiator is a training course on negotiation technique and the principles of professional and persuasive negotiation published by Coursera Online University. This training course will equip you with a completely professional framework and mental framework for negotiation and will help you in analyzing and shaping different negotiations. This mental framework helps you to put forward a set of principled arguments in different situations and to convince people in different positions. This mental framework has not lost its effectiveness in all situations and helps you to examine the underlying levels of apparent conflicts and determine the main and vital interests of each faction in a very precise manner.
Prediction, interpretation and analysis and finally shaping the behavior and speech and thoughts of different people are among the most important skills in the field of negotiation. This course provides you with a wide range of negotiation topics and frequently repeated situations in a completely exclusive way, so that you can check your overall performance in these situations and improve your skills.
What you will learn in the Introduction to Negotiation: A Strategic Playbook for Becoming a Principled and Persuasive Negotiator course:
- Game theory
- negotiation
- Basic principles of persuasive and professional negotiation
- scientific cooperation
- Basic negotiation technique
- Creating a professional frame of mind for negotiation
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Coursera
teacher: Barry Nalebuff
English language
Providing institution/university: Yale University
Education level: introductory
Number of weeks: 9
Training duration: about 33 hours
Course topics
Week 1
Introduction / What is the Pie?
Week 2
Negotiation Cases
Week 3
Zincite Case
Week 4
Outsider Case
Week 5
Advanced Topics
Week 6
Linda Babcock: Ask for It
Week 7
Herb Cohen: You Can Negotiate Anything
Week 8
John McCall MacBain: The Consummate Dealmaker
Week 9
Acknowledgments and Further Readings
Course prerequisites
Course images
Course introduction video
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
English subtitle
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
4.06 Gigabyte
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