Android 12 Jetpack Compose Developer Course

Android 12 Jetpack Compose Developer Course - From 0 To Hero


Android 12 Jetpack Compose Developer Course – From 0 To Hero is a training course for designing and developing modern Android applications with the Jetpack Compose tool, published by Udemy Academy. Jetpack Compose is a modern and practical tool for creating the user interface of Android applications, which is supported by Google. This tool is written in the Kotlin programming language and uses a declarative approach like the Front and React framework. The user interface development process in this tool is very simple and greatly reduces the amount of written code. This training course has benefited from the cloning project-based approach. Together with the instructor, the student will be active in the process of designing and developing two email applications and publishing attendance news and will get to know the capabilities and potentials of Jetpack Compose in a practical way.

Jetpack Compose is very flexible and can be used in the design and development of personal and corporate applications. Jetpack Compose is the latest technology for developing Android apps and is expected to find its real place among developers in a period of two to four years. The first 4 hours of this training course will teach you the Kotlin programming language in a completely specialized way. In this section, you will get acquainted with very important topics such as variables, object-oriented programming, types of data types, functions, classes, inheritance, conditional if/else commands, loops, etc.

What you will learn in Android 12 Jetpack Compose Developer Course – From 0 To Hero:

  • Developing modern Android applications with Jetpack Compose tool
  • Basic knowledge of Kotlin programming language and mobile app development process
  • Creating a complex and professional user interface for an email application
  • Upload information one API and display them in the app Retrofit
  • Familiarity with MVVM architecture and development pattern
  • Creating composable functions
  • Use the AppBar menu
  • Creating and implementing drop-down menus
  • Implementation of Bottom Navigation Bar
  • Making an action button
  • Moving between different pages with the same data using the navigation component
  • Filter the information provided by the API
  • Display the results and information provided by the API in the application
  • Add headers with HTTPInterceptor
  • Types of data structures such as collections and arrays in Kotlin programming

Course details

Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Denis Panjuta And by Denis Panjuta
English language
Education level: introductory
Number of courses: 125
Training duration: 16 hours and 37 minutes

Course headings

Android 12 Jetpack Compose Developer Course Prerequisites – From 0 To Hero

No programming skills required

PC, Mac, or Linux Machine required

Android phone not required, but recommended.

Course images

Android 12 Jetpack Compose Developer Course - From 0 To Hero

Course introduction video

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

English subtitle

Quality: 1080p


The 2022/7 version has increased the number of 12 lessons and the duration of 2 hours and 15 minutes compared to 2021/11. Also, the course quality has been increased from 720p to 1080p.

download link

Download part 1 – 2 GB

Download part 2 – 2 GB

Download part 3 – 2 GB

Download part 4 – 2 GB

Download part 5 – 1.23 GB

Password file(s):


9.23 GB

4.6/5 – (9790 points)

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