Adobe Acrobat Pro comes in two versions, standard and professional, with the professional version being more complete; There is also a Reader version, which, as the name suggests, is only for reading PDF files.
Format development PDF (abbreviation of Portable Document Format) started in 1990. This format is used to present documents containing text, images and other required items in a specific and fixed format similar to a printed document. For the first time, Adobe showed its official support for this format by presenting the exclusive Acrobat software in 1993 and took an important role in its development.
Features and features of Adobe Acrobat Pro software:
– Installation as an extension of office software with complete settings
– The ability to combine several PDF documents together or split a document
– It has a virtual printer and the possibility of getting PDF output from any software
– Convert PDF to common image formats, HTML pages and office suite documents
– Adding a link to the text
– Ability to delete or add text, image, etc.
– Adding a template or watermark to the document
– Attaching a file to the text
– Encrypt and protect PDF documents
– Ability to search in the document
– The possibility of reducing the size of PDF documents
– Persian language support
Tips for Adobe Acrobat Pro:
Document Cloud or DC for short is the name of the new version of this software.
– After changing the procedure of Adobe company regarding the support of Persian language and adding this possibility to the new versions, we will not see the presentation of ME versions.
– To prevent the software from automatically updating after running it, click on Preferences from the Edit menu and go to the last option which is Updater and select the Do not tick and OK.
required system
- 1.5GHz or faster processor
- Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 bit), 2012 (64 bit), 2012 R2 (64 bit)†, 2016 (64 bit), or 2019 (64 bit); Windows 7 SP1 (32 bit and 64 bit), Windows 8, 8.1 (32 bit and 64 bit)†or Windows 10 (32 bit and 64 bit)
- 1GB of RAM
- 4.5GB of available hard-disk space
- 1024×768 screen resolution
- Internet Explorer 11; Firefox (ESR); or Chrome
- Video hardware acceleration (optional)
Pre-August 2019 versions of Acrobat DC, Acrobat 2017, and Acrobat 2015 applications cannot be licensed on macOS 10.15 Catalina. Adobe recommends customers updating their Acrobat DC, Acrobat 2017, or Acrobat 2015 to the latest release. To update from within the application, on the Help menu, choose Check for updates and follow on-screen instructions to complete the update process.
- Intel processor
- macOS v10.12, macOS v10.13, macOS v10.14, or macOS v10.15*
- Safari 10.0 or 11.0 (browser plug-in for Safari supported on 64-bit Intel processor only)
- 1GB of RAM
- 2.75GB of available hard-disk space
- 1024×768 screen resolution
Installation guide
It is placed separately for activation with the Patch method of the special crack of the 2019 version.
The Keygen method is given in the Readme.txt file, which briefly; For the initial installation serial, instead of the Keygen, you must use the serials in the Serial.txt file and then enter the Request Code into the Keygen and receive the activation code.
Attention: If you have this software on your system, you can activate the update 2021.011.20039 Does not exist! This update can only be activated as a clean install. Therefore, first uninstall the software using a program like Revo uninstaller (make sure that the Adobe Genuine Service software and all related folders and registry keys are also removed). Restart your system, install the basic version in Trial or Subscription mode (do not run the software), then install the update according to the Readme and activate the software.
Note: If you have version 2022.001.20117 and earlier (which was the basic version of 2015 and update) installed, before installing version 2022.001.20142 64-bit and later, you must first install the previous version (preferably with software such as Revo or IObit Uninstaller).
macOS version version 23.006.20320 U2B: After copying the crack files, run the following two commands in the terminal:
sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/Adobe Acrobat DC/Adobe Acrobat.app
sudo codesign -f -s - --deep /Applications/Adobe Acrobat DC/Adobe Acrobat.app
Version 2021.011.20039 on December 23, 1400 and version 2022.001.20117 on May 21, 1401 were installed on Windows 10 64-bit edition and successfully activated using the patch crack.
Version 2022.001.20142 has been installed and activated successfully on Windows 10 64-bit edition on July 5, 1401.
U2B version 23.006.20320 has been installed and activated successfully on macOS Monterey on March 4, 1402.
download link
Download Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2024.002.20759 x64 Multilingual
Download Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2024.002.20759 x86 Multilingual
Download Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2023.008.20555 x64 Multilingual
Download Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2023.008.20533 x86 Multilingual
Download Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2022.003.20322 x64 Multilingual
Download Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2022.003.20322 x86 Multilingual
Download Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2015.007.20033
Download Adobe Acrobat Pro_DC 2022.003.20282 Update Only
Download Adobe Acrobat Pro_DC 2022.001.20117 Update Only
Download Adobe Acrobat Pro_DC 2021.011.20039 Update Only (Install only as Clean Install)
Download Adobe Acrobat Pro_DC 2021.007.20102 Update Only
Download Acrobat Pro DC 2021 Painter
Download Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2019 New Crack
Download Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2020.013.20074 Portable
Download Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 24.001.20604 Multilingual macOS
Download Adobe_Acrobat_DC 23.006.20320 U2B macOS
Download Adobe_Acrobat_DC 22.002.20191 U2B macOS
Download Adobe_Acrobat_Pro DC 22.001.20112 macOS
Download Adobe Acrobat Pro DC v21.007.20091 macOS
Download Adobe Acrobat XI v11.0.23 Professional Multilingual
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
1.20 / 1.12 GB
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