Download Code With Mosh – React: Intermediate Topics 2023-5

React: Intermediate Topics


React: Intermediate Topics is an intermediate level React course published by Code With Mosh. If you know the basics of building web applications with React and TypeScript and are looking for a more advanced course to take your skills to a higher level, you have chosen the right course. This is the second part of the Ultimate React series, where we will look at state management and routing. Part I ). This course is the second part of a series. The first part covers the basics of building web applications with React and TypeScript. Learn the latest techniques and best practices for building complex applications with React. At the end of this course, you will have a deep understanding of advanced state management and routing techniques. You also have a project that you can show potential employers or clients.

What you will learn

  • Get and update data using React Query
  • Boost your application performance with Caching
  • Implement unlimited scrolling
  • Using reducers to combine state management logic
  • Using context to share state
  • Application state management using Zustand
  • Implementing routing with React Router
  • Structuring Ricketts projects for maintainability
  • Write clean code like a pro
  • Apply best practices

Who is this course suitable for?

  • Developers who want to fill their skills gaps.
  • Anyone who wants to become a confident and skilled developer

Course specifications React: Intermediate Topics

  • Publisher: Code With Mosh
  • teacher : Mosh Hamedani
  • English language
  • Education level: Intermediate
  • Number of courses: 91
  • Training duration: 6 hours

Chapters of the course React: Intermediate Topics

Course prerequisites

  • To take this course, I recommend that you have watched the first part or have a solid understanding of the concepts covered there. This includes the basics of TypeScript, building components, styling components, managing component state, and calling backend services.


React: Intermediate Topics

Sample video

Installation guide

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English subtitle

Quality: 1080p


Version 5/2023 compared to 2023/4, subtitles have been added and a video, which is file 5 of chapter 1, has been added.

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1.26 GB

4.8/5 – (5203 points)

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