Expressway to Data Science: Python Programming Specialization course. How many times have you decided to learn a programming language, only to get stuck, frustrated, and give up somewhere along the way? This course is designed for students who have little or no significant programming experience but want to use Python as a tool for working with data. In the first course, Introduction to Python Fundamentals, you will learn the basic Python commands so that you can write your first Python program. For more advanced programming, you’ll learn variables, operations, and flow control. In the second course, Introduction to Python Functions, you create and use functions to make your programs reusable. You will also learn how to use basic packages. In the third course, Python Packages for Data Science, you will learn about packages and libraries specifically used for data science, such as Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, and Seaborn. In this course, you’ll learn that programming in Python is like playing with Lego: you follow instructions, choose pieces that fit together, and finally create something complete and unique. . Instead of giving up on programming in frustration, with this course you’ll find that learning Python can be easy and fun.
What you will learn in the Expressway to Data Science: Python Programming Specialization course
- Basics of Python programming
- Data processing libraries such as Numpy and Pandas
- Data modeling libraries such as Matplotlib and Seaborn
Course details
- Publisher: Coursera
- English language
- Duration: 4 hours and 14 minutes
- Number of courses: 3
- teacher : Di Wu
- File format: mp4
- Course Level: Introductory to Advanced
- Presenting institution/university: University of Colorado Boulder
Courses available in the Expressway to Data Science: Python Programming Specialization training series
Prerequisites for the Expressway to Data Science: Python Programming Specialization course
- No background knowledge is necessary to complete this specialization.
Sample video of the course
Installation guide
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English subtitle
Quality: 720p
download link
File(s) password: www.downloadly.ir
1.3 GB
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