DIHtmlParser is a component for extracting data from HTML files for Delphi programmers. Using this component, programmers can analyze HTML, XHTML and XML documents and extract any type of information they need from these documents. If you need to write a spider or data crawler among different websites, using this component will help you a lot, by using this product, you can extract the data you want from different websites much more easily, and in fact, this product is easy to use. It takes a lot of coding off your shoulders. This component is designed for Delphi language and can be used in various Delphi programming environments such as Embarcadero, CodeGear and Borland.
Some of the data that can be extracted by this component:
- The data in the CData field
- Different comments that you may have used in different parts of the document
- DTD or Document Type Definition
- All HTML tags (more than 80 different tags)
- Scripts defined between tags
- Ability to read in-text styles of html documents placed between