DISQLite3 is a SQLite database engine for Delphi. This engine is completely and independently developed for Delphi and can be used in different Embarcadero / CodeGear / Borland environments. SQLite is a compact and simple database that is easy to configure and use for both programmers and application users. Due to the importance of this database, its engines have been developed for many languages, and DISQLite3 is the successful implementation of this database in Delphi. One of the advantages of this database is that, unlike heavy databases such as SQL Server, the users of the program do not need the complex steps of installing and setting up the database and connecting the program to it. In SQLite, the database is ready for use by running the program, and by closing it, there is no news of the services. There is no context and the engine is closed to free system resources.
Features and features of the DISQLite3 database engine:
- ACID transactions even after system crash
- No need for configuration, no need for an admin account
- Almost complete implementation of SQL-92
- Complete database storage in a single portable file, without the need for a server and software prerequisites
- Support for large terabyte databases and gigabyte strings as well as blobs
- No dependence on foreign libraries
- The small size of the library adds about 300 KB to the final code
- Full Text Search (FTS) with customizable tokens for 15 different languages
- Possibility of AES encryption with SHA256 keys
- No need for Db.pas to be compatible with all versions of Delphi, both standard and custom
- High speed in performing information retrieval compared to other databases
- Simple, organized and documented API
- Access to DISQLite3 databases in Linux, Mac operating systems using SQLite libraries
- And …
required system
(Embarcadero / CodeGear / Borland).
Installation guide
Use the cracked files according to the version you are using inside the Crack folder.
download link
Download DISQLite3 5.38.0 for Delphi 11.0
Download DISQLite3 5.37.0 for Delphi 10.4
Download DISQLite3_5.27.0_for_Delphi_10.3_Rio_Cracked
Download DISQLite3_5.26.1_for_D4-XE10.3_x86
Download DISQLite3_5.26.1_for_D4-XE10.3_x64
Download DISQLite3_Pro_5.24.0_for_D4-XE10.2
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
32-bit version: 28 MB
64-bit version: 13 MB
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