Download Frontend Masters – Introduction to Dev Tools v3 2021-3

Introduction to Dev Tools


Introduction to Dev Tools is a training course on Devoloper tools for Google Chrome browser, published by Front and Masters Academy. Development tools or Dev Tool is one of the competitive advantages of Chrome browser compared to other existing browsers such as Mozilla. Devoloper tools is actually a very practical and valuable toolbox that can help programmers and developers of websites and web applications in the fields of site optimization and troubleshooting. In recent years, with the rapid development of the web world, Devoloper tools has become one of the main priorities of Google, and new features are added to it in every update.

Among the most important functions of Devoloper tools, we can mention the console, debugger, website performance test and RAM and processor memory usage, accessibility test, etc. Each of these sections contains valuable information related to the performance and flexibility of the website and can help you in developing more optimal and compatible websites.

What you will learn in the Introduction to Dev Tools course:

  • The history of Developer Tools and its development process
  • Grid panels and website elements
  • Identify security and performance bugs of the website using the Performance panel
  • Working with the Google Lighthouse tool
  • Getting to know the concept of accessibility and ways to improve it
  • Website SEO optimization

Course details

Publisher: Front & Masters
teacher: Jon Kuperman
English language
Education level: introductory
Number of courses: 30
Training duration: 3 hours and 22 minutes

Introduction to Dev Tools course headings



DevTools History


Elements & Network Panels

Performance, Console, & Security Panels

Sources, Application, & Memory Panels

Lighthouse, Device Emulation, & Element Finder

Quick Edits: CSS, HTML, & Scroll Into View

Quick Edits: Computed Styles & Specificity

Quick Edits: HTML Breakpoints, Themes, & Accessibility

Quick Edits Exercise

Quick Edits Solution


Workspaces Exercise

Workspaces Solution

Step Through Debugging

Step Through Debugging Exercise

Step Through Debugging Solution and Q&A

Network & User Performance

Network Performance & Network Waterfall

Network Performance Q&A

Measuring Real User Performance

On-Page Performance

Performance Panel & Page Jank Tips

Layout Thrashing Exercise

Layout Threshing Solution

Running Node.js

Memory Leaks & Memory Heap Snapshots

What Can Slow Down a Website

Simulating Network Conditions

Lighthouse Audits

Wrapping up

Wrapping up

Course images

Introduction to Dev Tools course video

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: None

Quality: 1080p

download link

Download part 1 – 774 MB

Password file(s):


774 MB

4.2/5 – (2019 points)

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