Python Fundamentals is a training course on the basics of the Python programming language, which is completely project-oriented and offered by the specialized Front and Masters Academy. Among the most important topics of this course are types of data types in Python such as tuples and dictionaries, the control flow process in Python programs and software with loops, Boolean and logical expressions, Conditional expressions and returns, functions and building reusable functions, working with different files in the Python file system, receiving and calling information from the server through the API, etc.
What you will learn in the Python Fundamentals course:
- Types of data types in Python such as tuples and dictionaries
- Control flow process in Python programs and software with loops
- Boolean and logical expressions
- Conditional expressions and returns
- Functions and building reusable functions
- Variables
- Passing arguments to a specific function
- Scope functions
- Lists and collections
Course details
Publisher: Front and Masters
teacher: Nina Zakharenko
English language
Education level: introductory
Number of courses: 53
Training duration: 4 hours and 40 minutes
Python Fundamentals course topics
Data Types
Data Types
Boolean Logic
Looping & Control Flow
Wrap up
Course images
Introduction video of Python Fundamentals course
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
English subtitle
Quality: 1080p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
1.45 GB
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